Listen Up!: Upper intermediate (附MP3一片), 2/e 適合程度:Intermediate to Upper-intermediate 科技大學、大學大一及大二英語課程 級數:2 levels (CEF from B1 to C1) 配備:學生本、Audio MP3、教師手冊(另售) 連結測驗:TOEIC、TOEFL、GEPT、IELTS、BULATS 第二版 Listen Up! Series 特別為ESL中級到中高級程度學生所設計,從發音、單詞切入,進而理解對話情境與適當應答,有效增進學生英文聽力技巧。以真實情境照片設計,密集訓練的聽力單元,主題含括日常對話、電視節目、新聞報導,從練習當中學習道地的單詞、片語及俚語,完成練習的同時便已熟悉該情境的關鍵單詞、長句等發音。 每單元以情境歌曲開頭,一邊聽歌並試著填上歌詞,先輕鬆活絡學習氣氛。練習從聽單詞開始,尋找相對應的解釋或相似詞;接下來是一組簡短對話,之後進階到較長的一段對話,再次練習相關主題的單詞、對話應答。Photo Gallery 訓練學生圖片或事件描述能力,也是多種語言測驗的要項。 Listen Up! Series課程設計不只可以讓學生順利通過英語能力相關測驗,更可以提升學生的日常對話能力及充分了解西方文化,順利銜接未來的國外求學生涯及地球村的職場型態,使用英語溝通無礙。 Listen Up! is designed to help intermediate level ESL students build their English listening comprehension. This series is divided into two parts, each consisting of one student book and one CD. Each part includes 12 units, each taking the form of an 18 to 20-minute audio program. The goal of Listen Up! is to offer a content-based audio program to help expand students’ listening skills through extensive listening practice. Students are NOT required to complete the exercises in one unit during a single class. Students are expected to listen several more times at home until all the exercises are completed successfully. Listen Up! includes an intensive audio program and thorough listening exercises. Student CD is supplied with copies of the textbooks so students can practice listening skills outside class. We encourage practice through listening--not just to perform a task or pass a test, but to build English as a part of your natural skills. At Lynx, we wish you a very pleasant and rewarding semester. ISBN: 9781941214138