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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë 簡愛 英文小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë 簡愛 英文小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt!" Jane Eyre講述一位從小變成孤兒的英國女子在各種磨難中不斷追求自由與尊嚴,堅持自我,最終獲得幸福的故事。 簡愛來到桑菲爾德莊園教書後,不自覺地被難以捉摸的男主人羅徹斯特所吸引,但是一連串發生的神秘事件卻為兩人之間蒙上一層陰影,就在他們步入禮堂之際,一件衝擊性的事件粉碎了簡愛的幸福,兩人可以克服黑暗的過去、撥雲見日嗎? 小說引人入勝地展示了男女主人曲折起伏的愛情經歷,歌頌了擺脫一切舊習俗和偏見,成功塑造了一個敢於反抗,爭取自由和平等地位的婦女形象。 Throughout the hardships of her childhood - spent with a severe aunt and abusive cousin, and later at the austere Lowood charity school - Jane Eyre clings to a sense of self-worth, despite of her treatment from those close to her. At the age of eighteen, sick of her narrow existence, she seeks work as a governess. The monotony of Jane's new life at Thornfield Hall is broken up by the arrival of her peculiar and changeful employer, Mr Rochester. Routine at the mansion is further disrupted by mysterious incidents that draw the pair closer together but which, once explained, threaten Jane's happiness and integrity. A flagship of Victorian fiction, Jane Eyre draws the reader in by the vigour of Jane's voice and the novel's forceful depiction of childhood injustice, of the restraints placed upon women, and the complexities of both faith and passion. The emotional charge of Jane's story is as strong today as it was more than 150 years ago, as she seeks dignity and freedom on her own terms. In this new edition, Juliette Atkinson explores the power of narrative voice and looks at the striking physicality of the novel, which is both shocking and romantic. 9780198804970






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