Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary, 2/e 閱讀古希臘文 文本與字彙 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary, 2/e 閱讀古希臘文 文本與字彙 描述
本書結合傳統及現代語言教學的長處,甫出版即受到各級學校愛用。其中收錄改編自古希臘作者希羅多德、尤里比底斯和狄摩西尼的文章,幫助學生迅速建立閱讀能力。搭配《閱讀古希臘文-文法與練習題》學習成效更上一層樓! First published in 1978, Reading Greek has become a best-selling one-year introductory course in ancient Greek for students and adults. It combines the best of modern and traditional language-learning techniques and is used widely in schools, summer schools and universities across the world. It has also been translated into several foreign languages. This volume contains a narrative adapted entirely from ancient authors, including Herodotus, Euripides, Aristophanes and Demosthenes, in order to encourage students rapidly to develop their reading skills. Generous support is provided with vocabulary. At the same time, through the texts and numerous illustrations, students will receive a good introduction to Greek culture, and especially that of Classical Athens. The accompanying Grammar and Exercises volume provides full grammatical support together with numerous exercises at different levels, Greek-English and English-Greek vocabularies, a substantial reference grammar and language surveys.
Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary, 2/e 閱讀古希臘文 文本與字彙 商品選項
Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary, 2/e 閱讀古希臘文 文本與字彙 屬性
Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary, 2/e 閱讀古希臘文 文本與字彙 用戶評測