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100 Scientists Who Made History 認識100位改變世界的重要科學家 精裝 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

100 Scientists Who Made History 認識100位改變世界的重要科學家 精裝 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


100 Scientists Who Made History: Remarkable scientists who shaped our world 【一百個改變世界的科學家!】精裝超值收藏版 從洞察世事的開創者如:希臘三哲之一的亞里斯多德、泡澡數學狂阿基米德,到優秀的生物學家如:第一個發現魚龍化石並提供生物進化論證據的化石學開創者-瑪莉安妮(Mary Anning)、發現分辨雌雄關鍵的基因學家內蒂·史蒂文斯(Nettie Stevens),再從聰明的化學家如:煉金術師波以耳(Robert Boyle)、電青蛙腿的伏特(Alessandro Volta),到非凡的物理學家如:被蘋果砸頭的牛頓、拍照愛吐舌頭的愛因斯坦,最後再來點傑出的發明家如:為了炫耀婚戒而幫老婆拍下第一張X光照的倫琴(Wilhelm Rontgen),還有為了實驗不惜讓鄰居以為發生地震的特斯拉! 在本書中每一頁都是改變世界、推動時代的重要人物,有詳細的圖文解說以及總結其一生貢獻的小筆記,除了在目錄上的一百位科學家,內文中也延伸介紹了許多有關這些科學家的導師、學生或影響的後世,我們可以認識這些在專精學科上、甚至是跨領域的天才,是如何形塑我們現代的知識與生活。 本書特色: .簡潔有力的生平介紹 .圖文並茂-豐富的歷史文件、照片輔佐 .知識補給-解釋其鑽研與貢獻的專業知識 .重點整理-一生的重要成就與對後世的影響 .小補充-科學家的軼聞趣事 .延伸人物介紹-介紹該科學家的導師、學生與影響的後世 一本百「人」全書,讓你開啟對科學的興趣。 ISBN: 9781465468895 Containing a universe of knowledge, this amazing kids' educational book tells the story of the extraordinary people who revolutionized our understanding of the world. A stunning way for children to meet science's most important people. Read through information-packed mini-biographies of 100 brilliant scientists and innovators who have shaped our society and how we see the world around us. A perfect "everything you want to know in one place" about the history of science for children aged 8-12. Readers learn about discoveries that laid the groundwork for some of the most impressive innovations in history. Biologists, chemists, physicists, doctors, coders, and astronauts are all featured including Hippocrates, Da Vinci, Alan Turing, Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and more. An attractive and engaging kids book that may inspire the next Einstein or Curie! Made for those always curious children and those who need encouragement to aspire to greatness and see the marvels of science. Put children inside the minds of scientific heroes through clever speech bubbles alongside portraits with first-person fun facts about their lives. It's a cool way to personalize these incredible people and engage children while giving them a solid base in science. Did you know that Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive? They're too dangerous to touch and even glow! And Louis Pasteur, who furthered the development of vaccinations and more, liked to paint in his spare time? Who knew!







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