Timelines from Black History: Leaders, Legends, Legacies 精裝書 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Timelines from Black History: Leaders, Legends, Legacies 精裝書 描述
在過往單一主流的媒體中,無權的、次要的、底層的、被排擠的人事物總是埋藏在低語中, 但隨時代與民主的推進,各式各樣的管道百花爭鳴, 我們對於歷史的認識不再只限於掌政者審查後的內容, 人們陌生卻應該了解的瘡疤或榮耀都逐漸被挖掘並展現於世人面前。 歷史之於人類,不只是對每一個時代的記憶,更是完善人權重要的教訓與里程碑, 透過不同的角度、媒介,去了解多方面、跨領域的重要事蹟。 【歷久彌新,不可不知的歷史-黑人特輯】 由DK出版的 Timelines from Black History: Leaders, Legends, Legacies 期望給予習慣於白人視角看世界的大眾,有另一個角度來認識築構今日的貢獻者。 燈泡的發明不再只想到愛迪生,從競爭對手公司招攬而來的路易斯·拉蒂默 (Lewis Howard Latimer)更是改良燈泡內部構造使其成功的主力發明家。(被埋沒的黑人發明家也不只有他,紅綠燈概念起源、家庭保全系統的前身,皆由黑人發明家們創意與實作而生)美國南北戰爭也不再只想到林肯,曾身為奴隸、卻努力藉由知識的汲取與推廣,推動革命的演說兼政治家 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass),更是是廢奴運動的代表人物之一。 本書從人類的起源-非洲智人,早期的非洲古文明如分布於埃及與蘇丹的努比亞人,一直到近現代各領域的傑出黑人, 例如作家Zora Neale Hurston、Zadie Smith、詩人Langston Hughes、民權運動領袖馬丁路德、拳擊手阿里、獲諾貝爾和平獎的賴比瑞亞首位女總統艾倫·強森·瑟利夫、美國首位非裔總統歐巴馬、歌手碧昂絲、英國饒舌歌手Stormy...在不同領域發光發熱、持續產生物質上與文化上影像力不可不認識的黑人。 ISBN: 9780241503614 From Frederick Douglass to Oprah Winfrey, and the achievements of ancient African kingdoms to those of the US Civil Rights Movement, Timelines From Black History: Leaders, Legends, Legacies takes kids on an exceptional journey from prehistory to modern times. This DK children's book boasts more than 30 visual timelines, which explore the biographies of the famous and the not-so-famous - from royalty to activists, and writers to scientists, and much, much more. Stunning thematic timelines also explain the development of Black history - from the experiences of black people in the US, to the story of postcolonial Africa. Did you know that the richest person ever to have lived was a West African? Or that the technology that made the lightbulb possible was developed by African American inventor, and not Thomas Edison? How about the fact that Ethiopia was the only African country to avoid colonization, thanks to the leadership of a brave queen? Stacked with facts and visually vibrant, Timelines From Black History: Leaders, Legacies, Legends is an unforgettable and accessible hive of information on the people and the issues that have shaped Black history.
Timelines from Black History: Leaders, Legends, Legacies 精裝書 商品選項
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