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Saturday Is Swimming Day 南韓作家繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 描述

每個星期六都是要上游泳課的日子,而每到這個時候,小女孩總是感到肚子痛。她覺得游泳池好吵,地板又濕又滑,而且她的泳帽實在是太緊了。 她實在不想去上游泳課! 一開始,小女孩的教練同意讓她在旁邊休息,然而隨著教練溫柔的鼓勵,小女孩終於跨出她的第一步,勇敢下水,練習踢水!漸漸地,小女孩越來越有信心,她不再害怕下水,肚子也不再因為週六的到來而有不舒服的感覺,同時,她也發現了全新又迷人的新世界! 本書用簡單又容易讓人產生共鳴的小故事,教導孩子勇敢嘗試新鮮事物,不用害怕未知的東西,或許大膽嘗試之後,會帶給你截然不同的體驗及發現,只要踏出第一步,雖然不知道結果會如何,但你要相信,只要一點點的勇氣加上無限的耐心,沒有什麼恐懼是克服不了的。 #萬事起頭難 #大膽嘗試 #學會勇敢 #南韓繪本插畫家 Swimming lessons are on Saturdays, and every Saturday one little girl has a stomachache. When she gets to the pool it’s loud, the floor is wet and slippery, and her swim cap is too tight. Her swimming instructor, Mary, says it’s OK to sit by the edge if she doesn’t want to get in the water this week. The next Saturday the girl has a stomachache again, but with Mary’s gentle encouragement, she eventually manages to make it into the pool to practice her kicks. Little by little, the girl’s confidence grows — until one Saturday comes around when she has no stomachache at all! In a charming and relatable story about trying something new, author-illustrator Hyewon Yum shows that sometimes a little bravery and a lot of patience are all you need to face your fear. ISBN 9780763691172 書號 20268565

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