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Ernestine's Milky Way 真實故事繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Ernestine's Milky Way 真實故事繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


【翻山越嶺送牛奶?一段真實的故事】 艾爾妮斯坦和媽媽住在梅姬山谷裡,每天早上她喜歡推開窗戶大喊「我五歲而且是個大人了!」,懷著雙胞胎的媽媽每天都會幫母牛擠奶,並將牛奶放在山泉水流過的「泉水屋」儲存,而這一天,艾爾妮斯坦早上五點就穿上外套和羊毛圍巾,準備出發送牛奶給他們的鄰居蘭姆西太太一家人。 但蘭姆西太太住在山谷的另一邊,必須穿越天色未明的森林,走上好長一段路才會到,艾爾妮斯坦雖然內心有點膽怯,但她不斷告訴自己「我已經是個大人了,我可以辦到」,於是她一步步走進森林深處,先是聽到了稀稀疏疏的腳步聲,那會是早上出來覓食的大野狼嗎?接著她又聽見咖嚓喀嚓的聲響,那會是躲藏在草叢中的野獸用獠牙吃著什麼嗎?踏進長滿木藜和當歸樹的小徑,又聽見喀沙喀沙的聲音,難道是長著利爪的大黑熊嗎?艾爾妮斯坦的送牛奶初體驗,究竟能不能順利完成? 將好東西分享給鄰居是互相幫助的友誼表現,就像故事中的艾爾妮斯坦一家人,也是作者Kerry Madden-Lunsford聽聞的真人真事,她的好友Ernestine Upchurch是位於北卡羅萊納梅姬山谷的當地住民,時常和她分享40-50年代美國鄉村人們的生活樣貌,當時因為第二次世界大戰,許多村莊裡的男人們都被抓去當兵,山中小鎮裡的女人們於是團結起來互相幫助彼此度過艱難的時刻,也因此給予她這個故事的靈感,紀錄下當時的人們生活,同時故事裡也順帶介紹許多狀聲詞的用法,和許多動植物的單字值得學習。 An empowering picture book set in the 1940s about a determined five-year-old girl who embarks on a journey to deliver milk to her neighbors in the holler. Every morning, Ernestine shouts out her window to the Great Smoky Mountains, "I'm five years old and a big girl!" When Mama asks Ernestine--who helps with chores around the farm while Papa is away at war--to carry two mason jars filled with milk to their neighbor, Ernestine isn't sure she can do it. After all, she'd need to walk through thickets of crabapple and blackberry by the creek, not to mention past vines of climbing bittersweet. But Ernestine is five years old and a big girl, so off she sets. Along the way, one mason jar slips from her arms and rolls down the mountainside into the river, and Ernestine is sure it's lost forever . . . until her neighbor's son shows up with a muddy jar--and there's a surprise inside! With tons of flavor and a can-do spirit, here is a celebration of American history and a plucky girl who knows that helping a family in need is worth the trouble. ISBN 9781524714840






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