【墜入深不見底的海裡,努力抓住那逝去的光芒】 Lucy住在一個純樸的漁港小鎮,鎮上的人們彼此都認識,和樂融融的過著緩慢且知足的生活。她的母親是名專門研究鯊魚的海洋學家,在耳濡目染之下,也培養了她對於海洋的好奇心。但在她7歲那年,母親死於腦動脈瘤,時間似乎也跟著停留在那年暑假。 有一天,當地漁民發現一條因傷擱淺於沙灘的大白鯊,Lucy也意外發現母親講解鯊魚的影片,看著畫面中的母親口沫橫飛且興奮地介紹著,她的內心似乎被點燃起什麼,慢慢拾起了生活的碎片。但好景不常,就在她以為一切會慢慢好轉的時候,陪著她走過這些日子的好友卻意外死於採石場事故,突如其來的死訊,使一切又再度停滯不前。 此書相當集中在悲傷和失去親友的議題,乍看可能會讓人望之卻步,但很快地你會發現,這不單單只是一本悲傷的書,反而充滿了機智、友誼、希望和愛,更重要的是,故事主角並不是“克服”憂傷,而是學會與之共處,過得更好。 Wherever the sharks led, Lucy Everhart's marine-biologist mother was sure to follow. In fact, she was on a boat far off the coast of Massachusetts, collecting shark data when she died suddenly. Lucy was seven. Since then Lucy and her father have kept their heads above water--thanks in large part to a few close friends and neighbors. But June of her twelfth summer brings more than the end of school and a heat wave to sleepy Rockport. On one steamy day, the tide brings a great white--and then another tragedy, cutting short a friendship everyone insists was "meaningful" but no one can tell Lucy what it all meant. To survive the fresh wave of grief, Lucy must grab the line that connects her depressed father, a stubborn fisherman, and a curious old widower to her mother's unfinished research on the Great White's return to Cape Cod. If Lucy can find a way to help this unlikely quartet follow the sharks her mother loved, she'll finally be able to look beyond what she's lost and toward what's left to be discovered. ISBN:9780735231610