說書職人:親口說出永不消失的故事 真實故事的圖文紀錄, Ray Hick是美國阿帕拉契著名的說書人,他的一生都生活在北卡羅萊納州的櫸木山上。他以講Jack’ Tale 而聞名。這些在他口中不斷傳頌的故事從那而來? Ray Hick從小就在爺爺的口中聽到來自於許多山間大自然的故事,他和其他山上五個孩子在農場發生的趣事中餵養長大,直到有天爺爺老去,Ray Hick也成家娶妻,他和爺爺一樣選擇做一個說書人,讓故事傳承永不消失 Ray Hick曾獲得由美國國家藝術基金會授予的1983年國家遺產研究金,這是美國政府在民間和傳統藝術方面的最高榮譽。 As a young boy living in the Appalachian Mountains, Ray Hicks loved his grandfather's stories because he told them "the mountain way." After his grandfather's death, Ray continued to tell these stories to anyone who would listen. Years later, his storytelling became so famous he was known as the "Voice of Appalachia."