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Nineteen Eighty-Four 喬治.歐威爾經典著作《一九八四》 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Nineteen Eighty-Four 喬治.歐威爾經典著作《一九八四》 規格

Nineteen Eighty-Four 喬治.歐威爾經典著作《一九八四》 最新價格

Nineteen Eighty-Four 喬治.歐威爾經典著作《一九八四》 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Nineteen Eighty-Four 喬治.歐威爾經典著作《一九八四》 描述

《一九八四》(Nineteen Eighty-Four),是英國作家喬治·歐威爾所創作的一部反烏托邦小說,出版於1949年,重點探討政府權力過分伸張、極權主義、對社會所有人和行為實施壓抑性統治的風險。故事發生的時間設於1984年,為當時作者對未來的虛構想像,在其構想中,世界大部分地區都陷入了一場永久的戰爭,政府監控無處不在,資料記錄中滿是歷史否定主義及政治宣傳。 《一九八四》是一本經典的政治諷喻和反烏托邦科幻小說。自1949年出版以來,它的許多用語和概念在英語中已被普遍使用,例如老大哥、雙重思想、犯罪思想等等,也令形容詞「歐威爾式的」(Orwellian)普及,它是用於形容官方欺騙、秘密監視並且修改歷史的極權主義或獨裁狀態。 作者簡介 喬治‧歐威爾以銳目觀察,批判假社會主義之名、行極權主義之實的史達林主義;以辛辣的筆觸諷刺泯滅人性的極權主義社會和追逐權力者;而小說中對極權主義政權的預言在之後的五十年中也不斷地與歷史相印證,他在小說中創造的「老大哥」、「新話」、「雙重思想」等詞彙,皆已收入英語詞典,而由他的名字衍生出的「歐威爾主義」、「歐威爾式的」等新詞,甚至成為日常通用語彙,可見其人與作品在英語國家的巨大影響。 It is 1984, and the worlds' three major powers-Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia-are constantly at war. In Oceania, where the Party is in power, the thought police unearth every act of dissent, and Big Brother is always watching. Winston Smith, a dutiful citizen of Oceania, works for the Ministry of Truth as a propaganda writer who rewrites history to suit the needs of the authoritarian government. But when Winston falls in love with fellow worker Julia, they begin to question the very system they work for, placing them in immense danger. Pursuing their forbidden love affair, Winston plans a rebellion against the Party in order to regain the freedom to shape his own future. But the ever-watchful Big Brother will not tolerate opposition, and for those who speak up against the system or dare to think what the Party does not want them to think, Room 101 awaits them . . . 1984 is George Orwell's haunting prophesy of the future, which has held multiple generations of readers spellbound in its chilling and terrifying vision of life under a totalitarian regime. Powerful and unforgettable, this still-relevant novel explores the obliteration of truth, individuality and liberty in a world where the ruling power seeks to control everything, from information to thought and memory. ISBN 9575868668 書號 00182027

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