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烤麵包機 Cuisinart CPT-142P1 2-Slice Compact Plastic Toaster, 4, 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

烤麵包機 Cuisinart CPT-142P1 2-Slice Compact Plastic Toaster, 4, 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Cuisinart CPT-142P1 2片緊湊型塑料烤麵包機,4,白色 緊湊的設計,帶有不銹鋼裝飾 7個設定的陰影撥盤 再加熱,除霜和百吉餅控制 1-1 / 2英寸寬的烘烤槽 滑出式麵包屑托盤 來自製造商 這款多功能的烤麵包機可烤各種麵包,包括百吉餅。 創新的烹飪工具是我們的特色 Cuisinart是廚房中最受信任的名稱之一。在質量,性能和風格方面,Cuisinart設置了既優雅又實用的烤麵包機的標準。用Cuisinart將像麵包一樣普通的東西變成烤咸點心。 “品嚐美好生活” 傳奇表演 最終用戶首選 低調的優雅。 簡單有美,沒有比這更美的東西了。 Cuisinart的緊湊型塑料烤麵包機使經典的烤麵包機有了現代化的更新。它具有現代風格,可以在使用中或在櫃檯上清晰可見的情況下以任何角度看起來不錯。 它與您的房屋設計融為一體,並通過再加熱,百吉餅和除霜功能等強大功能提供性能。 可移動的碎屑托盤易於清理。它甚至在設備下方有一個繞線帶,可在不使用時管理難看的電源線。 Cuisinart品牌的傳承 強大的功能 優雅簡約 旨在激發您味蕾的烘烤技術。 百吉餅功能 百吉餅設置僅加熱百吉餅的上半部分,使脆皮頂部和柔軟而有嚼勁的底部加熱……百吉餅應該是這樣! 如果您喜歡兩側都酥脆的百吉餅,則無需按下百吉餅按鈕。就像不需按百吉餅按鈕就可以像普通麵包一樣烤麵包。 陰影控制設定 陰影控制設置提供了全方位的褐變選項,可以完美地定制任何一塊麵包。使用以下設置: -設置1-2:淺色吐司麵包 -設置3-5:中等的烤麵包色 -設置6-7:烤麵包的深色陰影 多種烘烤功能 本機具有以下烘烤功能: 吐司:用於普通麵包和烘烤 百吉餅:僅上半身敬酒 除霜:首先除霜,然後烘烤冷凍麵包 再加熱:可以在不烤焦或燃燒的情況下再加熱烤麵包/麵包 取消:停止所有烘烤操作 產品描述 顏色:白色|大小:4片|樣式名稱:烤麵包機 產品描述 經典烤麵包機通過Cuisinart的緊湊型烤麵包機進行了現代化更新。無論是側向放置還是面向前放置,都可以節省空間以適合任何廚房檯面。一次烤兩半百吉餅和兩片麵包。雙重自定義控件,寬插槽和高架托架確保每次烘烤均一,精確,方便。 品牌故事 由Cuisinart 產品信息 顏色:白色|大小:4片|樣式名稱:烤麵包機 產品尺寸10.8 x 10.7 x 7.2英寸 產品重量4.5磅 製造商Cuisinart 雅信B009GQ032E 項目型號CPT-142P1 Cuisinart CPT-142P1 2-Slice Compact Plastic Toaster, 4, White Compact design with stainless steel accents 7-setting shade dial Reheat, defrost and bagel controls 1-1/2-inch wide toasting slots Slide-out crumb tray From the manufacturer This versatile toaster will toast a variety of breads, including bagels. Innovative Culinary Tools are Our Signature Cuisinart is one of the most trusted names in the kitchen. When it comes to quality, performance, and style, Cuisinart sets the standard with toasters that are as elegant as they are functional. Turn something as ordinary as a piece of bread into a toasted savory treat with Cuisinart. "Savor The Good Life" Legendary Performance End User Preferred Understated Elegance. There is beauty in simplicity and it doesnt get any more beautiful than this. The classic toaster gets a modern update with the Compact Plastic Toaster by Cuisinart. Its contemporary styling allows for it to look good at any angle, while in use, or in storage in plain sight on the counter. It blends into the design of your home, yet delivers performance with powerful features such as reheat, bagel and defrost functions. Clean up is easy with the removable crumb tray. It even has a cord wrap underneath the unit to manage unsightly power cords while not in use. Heritage of the Cuisinart Brand Powerful Array of Features Elegant & Simple Toasting Technology Designed to Excite Your Taste Buds. Bagel Function Bagel Setting heats the upper half of the bagel only for a crispy top and a soft, chewy bottom...the way a bagel should be! If you enjoy a bagel that is crispy on both sides, no need to engage the bagel button. Just toast it like you would a normal piece of bread without pressing the bagel button. Shade Control Setting Shade control setting offers a full range of browning options to allow perfect customization of any piece of bread. Use the following settings for: - Settings 1-2: light sh






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