Fette Filter 過濾網 Air Purifier Filters Compatible 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Fette過濾器空氣淨化器過濾器。兼容HRF-R2,HRF-R3,過濾器R(HRF-R2、2件裝) 新鮮空氣:這些是真正的HEPA替代空氣過濾器,具有雙重過濾設計。它們能夠清除99.97%的花粉,黴菌,寵物危險,灰塵,異味和小至0.3微米的煙塵。 ✔️完美匹配:Fette過濾器2優質HEPA R替換過濾器包與Honeywell過濾器R HRF-R3 HRF-R2 HRF-R1兼容,並且與Honeywell空氣淨化器系列HPA090,HPA100,HPA200,HPA250和HPA300兼容 ✔️家庭或辦公室使用的理想之選:無論您是要尋找家用或辦公室空氣淨化器的備用過濾器,這些過濾器都能提供出色的效果。它們非常適合在辦公室或有寵物,吸煙者和過敏或哮喘患者的家庭中使用。 ✔️物超所值:從Fette過濾器購買的每筆價格都只需花費一小部分,即可獲得2個優質的替換HEPA過濾器。它們提供與OEM過濾器一樣出色的性能,使您不必擔心在幾個月內購買新的替代產品。 ✔️有了滿意的保證:每次您向我們購買產品時,您都會獲得滿意的保證和退款保證。如果您對我們的過濾器的性能不滿意,請告訴我們並獲得全額退款。真的很容易。立即點擊“添加到購物車”,立即購買無風險! 產品描述 大小:2包 隨時提供美味的純淨水! 使用Brita Sports水壺,在健身房,辦公室,學校甚至在旅途中喝新鮮純淨的水不再是一件艱鉅的任務。 Brita在水質優化領域一直是第一大品牌,已經有40年的歷史了,事實證明,與競爭對手相比,Brita可以清除更多數量和範圍的潛在水污染物! Brita水壺的過濾系統在正確清潔飲用水中起著至關重要的作用,為了獲得最佳性能,Brita建議每40加侖或每2個月更換一個過濾器,以先到者為準! 但是,如果您選擇Brita OEM過濾器,則將花費更多。不用擔心解決方案就在這裡???? 介紹“用於BRITA運動水壺的濾芯更換濾水器” 我們的優質奶瓶過濾器代替了#BB06部分,並且與Brita硬邊瓶和Brita Sport軟邊瓶兼容。我們的過濾器具有先進的過濾技術,融合了椰子殼產生的活性炭。與Brita OEM過濾器一樣,這有助於去除有害生物,重金屬,味道和氯氣的氣味。一次Brita過濾器更換最多可節省300個標準16盎司。塑料瓶,並為子孫後代保持地球清潔! 另外,我們將6個過濾器捆綁在一起包裝,因此您最多可以提供一年的過濾器! 除了所有這些好處外,您的購買將得到我們的無償支持,沒有任何問題要求100%退款保證! 所以,為什麼要等待?立即獲取您的! 這不是Brita OEM產品。 Brita品牌名稱和徽標是其各自所有者的註冊商標。本產品對Brita品牌名稱或型號名稱的任何使用均僅出於證明兼容性的目的! 產品信息 大小:2包 產品尺寸12 x 2 x 8英寸 產品重量1.2磅 運送重量1.2磅 製造商Fette過濾器 亞新B01N4VFHY5 項目型號FBA_FAF-HRF-R2 Fette Filter Air Purifier Filters. Compatible with HRF-R2, HRF-R3, Filter R (HRF-R2, 2-Pack) FRESHER AIR: These are true HEPA replacement air filters featuring a dual filtration design. They are capable of removing 99.97% of pollen, mold, pet danger, dust, odor, and smoke particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. ✔️PERFECT FIT: The Fette Filter 2 Premium HEPA R Replacement Filter Pack is Compatible with Honeywell Filter R HRF-R3 HRF-R2 HRF-R1 and Compatible with Honeywell Air Purifier Series HPA090, HPA100, HPA200, HPA250 & HPA300 ✔️IDEAL FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE: Whether you are looking for a replacement filter for your home or office air purifier, these are made to deliver excellently. They are ideal for use in the office, or in homes with pets, smoker, and people suffering from allergies or asthma. ✔️GREAT VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY: Every purchase you make from Fette Filter gets you 2 premium quality replacement HEPA filters at a fraction of the cost. They deliver as excellently as the OEM filters, and save you from having to worry about buying a new replacement in a couple of months. ✔️COMES WITH A SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: You get a satisfaction guarantee and money back guarantee every time you buy from us. If you are not satisfied with the performance of our filters, just let us know and get a full refund. It is really that easy. Click ‘Add to Cart’ now and make the risk-free purchase today! Product description Size:Pack of 2 DELIVER GREAT-TASTING, FILTERED WATER EVERYTIME! Drinking fresh and clean water at the gym, office, school or even when you are on the go is no more a hard task with Brita Sports water bottles. Brita has been the #1 brand in the field of water optimization for almost 40 years, and has proven