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Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 規格

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 最新價格

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 描述

真正的氣候,簡單直觀。 Evak是一項獲得專利的全功能創新。只需按下“蓋子”,空氣就會從容器中排出。當空氣被移位時,蓋子充當柱塞,聽到滿意的嗖嗖聲。 更長一些。科學證明可以將咖啡風味鎖定在容器中。空氣是你的食物,咖啡或茶的敵人。 Evak蓋子有一個雙閥系統,可以釋放空氣,同時保持容器牢固關閉。無需更換開關,泵或槓桿,閥門永遠不需要更換。 保持氣味和污染。我們的Evak按照最高標準製造,只有重型硼矽酸鹽玻璃和不銹鋼觸摸您的食物,咖啡或茶。玻璃是洗碗機安全的,不銹鋼蓋和蓋子是手洗,以獲得最佳護理和長壽。不要接受使用薄玻璃和劣質構造的替代品。 很棒的產品。 Evak水晶般清澈,結構堅固,在任何櫃檯或餐具室都很方便,看起來很棒,是大多數廚房裝飾的完美補充。 Evak現在憑藉其化妝品設計和實用功能贏得了4項國際認可的獎項。 有3種尺寸可供選擇,以滿足您的需求和4種顏色選擇。大:容納1磅咖啡,46盎司,5.75杯,1.4夸脫,1.36升,尺寸3.6,DIA X 10英寸中等:容納1/2磅咖啡,24盎司,3杯,0.75夸脫,709毫升尺寸3.6在DIA X 5.75英寸小:在DIA X 3.8英寸中容納16盎司,2杯,0.5夸脫,468毫升SIZE 3.6。此項目是Medium EVAK TRULY AIRTIGHT, SIMPLY INTUITIVE. Evak is a patented, fully functional innovation. Just push down on the 'lid' and the air is evacuated from the container. Lid acts as a plunger, hear the satisfying whoosh as the air is displaced. FRESHER LONGER. Scientifically proven to keep your coffee flavor locked into the container. Air is the enemy of your food, coffee or tea. The Evak lid has a twin valve system that allows air to be released, while keeping the container firmly closed off. No switches, pumps or levers needed and best yet, valves never need replacing. RESISTS ODORS AND STAINS. Our Evak is built to the highest standards, only heavy duty borosilicate glass and stainless touch your food, coffee or tea. Glass is dishwasher safe and stainless cap and lid are hand wash for best care and longevity. Don't accept substitutes that use thin glass and inferior build quality. GREAT LOOKING PRODUCT. Crystal clear and solidly built, the Evak stores conveniently and looks great on any counter or pantry, a beautiful complement to most kitchen décor. The Evak has now won 4 Internationally recognized awards for its cosmetic design and its practical functionality. AVAILABLE IN 3 SIZES to suit your needs and 4 color choices. Large: holds 1 lb of coffee, 46 oz, 5.75 cups, 1.4 qt , 1.36 liter, Size 3.6 in DIA X 10 inches Medium: holds 1/2 lb of coffee, 24 oz, 3 cups, 0.75 qt, 709 ml SIZE 3.6 in DIA X 5.75 inches Small: holds 16oz, 2 cups, 0.5 qt, 468 ml SIZE 3.6 in DIA X 3.8 inches. This item is a small EVAK

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 商品選項

Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 屬性


Evak Fresh Saver無氣罐 玻璃和不銹鋼 黑色光澤手柄 小 用戶評測


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