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FROG 1/5 金城 遙華 PVC模型 完成品 10月上市【預購7/20止】【GAME休閒館】 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

FROG 1/5 金城 遙華 PVC模型 完成品 10月上市【預購7/20止】【GAME休閒館】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


【上市日期】2021年10月 國際條碼: 4571467860941 【商品介紹】 From the series of "I will always believe in you" drawn by Pija comes Haruka Kaneshiro! We have created the 1/5 scale figure of 「Haruka Kaneshiro」from the popular series of "I will always believe in you" illustrated by Pija! From the original story of Mr. Pija's fan fiction series, the character "Haruka Kaneshiro" is now available on a big scale of about 31 cm! Macallan24 has reproduced her with plump flesh, healthy and firm gorgeous body as what it's like in the original illustration. The contrast between the fair and plump chest that is hanging from the swimsuit compared to her dark skin, the supple thighs and the big round buttocks that you can see .... There is no doubt that it will delight you no matter what angle you look at her! For those who want to put her as decoration, you can choose between the "tuck-up ver." exposing her chest, the "swimsuit ver." that allows you to appreciate her whole body by removing the uniform, and for those who might have difficulty placing her in a room where guests might come often, you can opt for the "clothed ver." using another sailor suit jacket. Feel free to style her according to your preference! Enjoy the plump body of the ace of the Swimming Club 「Haruka Kaneshiro」, with her clothes taken apart; as she's trying to hold her most intimate emotions for her childhood friend! 商品編碼:4571467860941 尺寸:高約24cm 情節分類: ●請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲 ●遊戲部分內容或服務可能須另備周邊機器或支付其他費用等  ●以上資料若有誤,請參考官方公佈資料 ●圖片僅供參考,色差會因電腦螢幕設定差異而略有不同,請以實際出貨為準 ——————————————————————————————— 【購買須知】 請注意!本賣場為客製化代購商品!                已完成付款者,代表訂單契約成立              原產地已確認購買該商品,恕不接受任何理由取消交易。    「預購商品」預計到貨時間:上市後七個工作天內         ※1﹒須於發售前14天下單,之後下單一律算「已發售商品」 (日本有收單期限,造成不便,還請見諒)      ※2﹒限量型商品,下標前請先詢問             「已發售商品」預計到貨時間:訂單受理後 1~3 周內 「本商品」價格為《預估售價》,請詳閱下列說明: 1.《預估售價》為原產地售價經台幣匯率換算及加成後之「暫定價格」。 2.待代理商公佈官方建議售價後,將以官方建議售價為主並做同步調整,價格異動的差額採「多退少補」方式,還請您放心選購。 3.超商取貨有體積及重量的限制,如「本商品」超過規定,恕不提供超商取貨服務。 4.若您想門市取件,因出貨配送門市時程,需於發售隔天商品配達您指定門市之後方可取貨。 5.如購物車中有除「本商品」以外的代購或預購之未上市商品,請將代購或預購之未上市商品逐一分開【獨立】結帳,切勿【合併】結帳。如購物車中另有現貨商品則可另外【合併】結帳。 ex:如您的購物車中有,預購商品A、預購商品B、現貨商品C、D、E,共5件請於結帳時建立訂單共三件如下: 1.預購商品A 2.預購商品B 3.現貨商品C、D、E(合併結帳) 問:如預購商品均為同日發售可否合併結帳? 答:預購商品有延期或取消發售之可能,建議分開結帳。 此為預約單,保有訂單審查權,如內容、價格、日期有異,將溝通合議方式確認訂單。





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