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JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 規格

JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 最新價格

JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 描述

這是一位國中女老師給自己的暑假作業! 正職是國中教師、副業是家庭主婦的JJ老師,天生不是運動奇才、接觸單車才3年,卻想在53歲這年,獨自騎單車來趟法國大冒險?而且還是遠征1200公里! 53歲,還是敢夢的年紀嗎? 從事教職長達30年的JJ老師,單純的國中校園與家庭生活是她人生的全部。 卻在53歲這年,決心到法國騎單車挑戰千里遠征! 她如何在學生、同事、孩子、老公的擔心與質疑下,任性叛逆地衝一波? 雖然已經半百了,但不要小看了女人想要變強、想挑戰世界的欲望啊! 為了踏上這「不被看好」的旅程,從小不喜歡運動的JJ老師,50歲時接觸單車,從住家旁邊5公里的路線開始騎起,慢慢訓練自己,再多騎一點,5公里變成15公里,15公里變成100公里,100公里變成200公里、300公里、400公里,甚至完成600公里考驗,取得赴法國參加百年PBP長途單車賽事的資格。 只要下定決心,這股熱情可以燃燒自己的小宇宙、打開無遠弗屆的視野。   她曾經獨自在漆黑的法國鄉間夜騎,不容許自己有一絲脆弱與怯懦。 她曾經咬牙在狂風大雨中奮力踩踏,為學生示範何謂不放棄的精神。 她的巴黎行程,沒有咖啡醇酒美食與名牌精品,卻展現出無比精采。 這是一本53歲女老師單車勇闖法國的故事,或者說,這是一本教你無論幾歲都可以放膽冒險的追夢教科書。 A Junior High School Teacher’s Self-designated Summer Homework Being a school teacher as her only career, and an ordinary housewife as a side job, Teacher JJ isn’t a sports geek in nature. Nevertheless, at 53, after riding only for three years, she decided to take her bike for a sole adventure in France! Furthermore, it’s a jaw-dropper journey, a 1,200 km cycle game! At 53, still dare to dream? For Teacher JJ, an educator of 30 years, the simple school surroundings and family life were everything to her. But for all that, she was determined to challenge herself oversea at a French randonneuring of over 1,000 km cycling! How did she manage to face the worry and doubt of her students, associates, children, and husband? Well, she just laid out a rebellious act to prove them wrong! Don’t you look down a middle aged woman’s desires for becoming tough and challenging the traditional world she had been hinged on! To get ready for the less popular journey, Teacher JJ, a female with no interest in exercise since her youth, started cycling at age 50. She began at a 5 km ride in her neighborhood. Then, it turned into 15 km. Then, into 100 km. Then, 200 km, 300 km, and 400 km through self training hardship. And eventually, she passed the 600 km test to qualify for the century old Paris Brest Paris (PBP) randonneuring in France. With determination, the heat wave in oneself could light up one’s own little universe and open up an endless horizon. Riding her bike alone in the darkest French countryside, she didn’t even allow any slightest thought of weakness and cowardice to emerge. She was gritting her teeth and pedaling forwards in a storm of rain and wind to show her students the true spirit of not giving up. Her Paris journey was nothing like a tourist trip filled with coffee, wine, gourmet and luxurious products. Yet, her story was absolutely appealing and splendid. This is a book of a 53-year-old school teacher exploring France on her bike. Or, we can claim that it is a textbook for anyone of any age who would dare to risk for a dream worthy of chasing.

JJ瘋巴黎:法國PBP長途單車挑戰記【金石堂】 商品選項

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