「我聽見好像群眾的聲音,眾水的聲音,大雷的聲音,說:哈利路亞!因為主──我們的神、全能者作王了。」(啟示錄十九章6節) 【目錄】 1. 祢的信實闊大/祢的信實廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 2. 佇花園內/在花園裡 In the Garden 3. 有人啲替你祈禱/有人在為你禱告 Someone Is Praying for You 4. 事奉耶穌真正快樂/事奉耶穌真是快樂 Joy in Serving Jesus 5. 我寧可有耶穌/我寧願有耶穌 I'd Rather Have Jesus 6. 微聲向望/微聲盼望 Whispering Hope 7. 將上好的獻互主/將最好的獻主 Give of Your Best to the Master 8. 主是平安‧以色列興起 He is My Peace ‧ Awake, O Israel 9. 獻家己互主/獻己於主 Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated 10. 互我做祝福/藉我賜恩福 Make Me a Blessing 11. 豈可空手去見主/豈可空手回天家 Must I Go, and Empty Handed? 12. 眾天宣揚.主佇墳墓內/諸天宣揚.主復活 All Heaven Declares ‧ Christ Arose