鹿林吸血鬼塔羅|Llewellyn The Tarot Of Vampyres 飲用時間為永恆的神聖【左西購物網】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
The Tarot Of Vampyres 張數:78 張 作者:Ian Daniels當你屈服於血紅玫瑰的視覺並感受到你狂熱的心臟的慷慨激昂的節奏時,擁抱夜晚。 吸血鬼的傳說植根於黑暗和誘惑,但其永恆的信息是精神上的飢渴,飲用時間為永恆的神聖。 伊恩丹尼爾斯(Ian Daniels)富有令人回味的哥德風格,這套「吸血鬼塔羅」是精神覺醒的工具,有了它,你可以探測內心陰影的深度,並在真理的光芒中出現。 受到偉特系統的啟發,牌卡中有愚人、女祭司等其他傳統人物,但這套有獨特的名字與圖像,可以喚起神秘和令人毛骨悚然的東西。 套組內的書提供了詳細的卡片含義、創意練習、以及如何創建自己的吸血鬼角色。 內含78張卡,和一本312頁的書。 原文介紹 Embrace the night as you succumb to visions of blood-red roses and feel the impassioned rhythms of your feverishly pounding heart. The Vampyre legend is rooted in darkness and seduction, yet its eternal message is one of spiritual hunger—to taste the Divine. Featuring Ian Daniels' richly evocative Gothic-style artwork, this hauntingly romantic deck is a tool for spiritual awakening. With it, you can plumb the depths of your inner shadows and emerge in the radiant light of truth. Inspired by the Rider-Waite structure, the deck shows the Fool, Priestess, and other traditional figures, while the suits bear unique names that call forth the mysterious and macabre: Scepters, Grails, Knives, and Skulls. The companion book provides detailed card meanings, creative exercises, original spreads, and instructions for creating your own Vampyre character. Includes a 78-card deck and a 312-page book. --- 左西蝦皮商城購物享有15天鑑賞期,若商品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、包裝破損不完整者,或是附配件不齊者,恕不接受退貨。