魔法森林塔羅|Llewellyn Forest of Enchantment Tarot【左西購物網】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
魔法森林塔羅|Llewellyn Forest of Enchantment Tarot【左西購物網】 描述
Forest of Enchantment Tarot 一旦踏入迷人的樹林,你的生活和精神將永遠不一樣。 森林充滿魔力:智慧的古樹、發光的花朵、水晶洞和令人生畏的荊棘叢。 在這裡,你將遇到女巫和巫師、仙子和精靈、超凡脫俗的鳥類和野獸、幽靈和變形者、跳舞的公主和悲傷的老騎士。 當你沿著曲折的林地小路蜿蜒而行,在每一個轉折處尋找冒險時,古老的故事就栩栩如生。 在結界森林中,你可能會尋求財富、尋求成功並從此過上幸福的生活。 原文說明 Once you step into the enchanted wood, your life—and your spirit—will never be the same. The forest is alive with magic: wise ancient trees, glowing blossoms, crystal caves, and forbidding thickets of thorns. Here you will meet witches and wizards, faeries and elves, birds and beasts both earthly and otherworldly, ghosts and shape-shifters, dancing princesses and sad old knights. As you wend your way along the twisting woodland paths, finding adventure at every turn, the old tales come to life. In the Forest of Enchantment, you may seek your fortune, quest for success, and live happily ever after. --- 左西蝦皮商城購物享有15天鑑賞期,若商品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、包裝破損不完整者,或是附配件不齊者,恕不接受退貨。
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