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健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 規格

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 最新價格

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 描述

Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards 生命是由我們所體驗的每一個面向所組成,當心存正念時,事事皆能美好順利。 健康的身體與正向思考是相輔相成的,願此套牌卡帶來內心的轉念,也同時讓你身體健康。 “Every part of your life is experienced through the perspective of your physical body, and when you feel good, everything you see looks better. And so, there are few things of greater value than the achievement of health and physical well-being. “Not only does a good-feeling body promote positive thoughts, but, also, positive thoughts promote a good-feeling body. It is our expectation that as you ponder these cards, a new point of attraction will begin to be activated within you that eventually can lead to a wonderful mood or attitude, for if you are able to find feelings of relief even when your body is hurting or sick, you will find physical improvement, because your thoughts create your reality.” — Esther & Jerry --- 左西蝦皮商城購物享有15天鑑賞期,若商品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、包裝破損不完整者,或是附配件不齊者,恕不接受退貨。

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 商品選項

健康吸引力法則卡|Health And The Law Of Attraction Cards【左西購物網】 屬性

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