宮廷牌 | 塔羅初學者|英文書籍|Tarot Court Cards For Beginners【左西購物網】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Tarot Court Cards For Beginners 提昇宮廷牌解讀的原文工具書。 For many tarot readers, the court cards are the most challenging cards to work with. But once you become familiar with how these enigmatic cards work, you can turn them into friends and allies that provide powerful insights and advice. Featuring stories, explanations, and simple exercises, this book explores the many facets of pages, knights, kings, and queens to enhance your journey through the tarot. --- 左西蝦皮商城購物享有15天鑑賞期,若商品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、包裝破損不完整者,或是附配件不齊者,恕不接受退貨。