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英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 規格

英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 最新價格

英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 0095115526422 音樂廠牌: Chandos 英國弦樂集 (布列頓/柏克萊/布瑞基) 約翰.威爾森 指揮 倫敦市立交響樂團 在1930年代, 布利斯, 布列頓和柏克萊跟隨著艾爾加, 佛漢威廉士的腳步, 都在弦樂團曲目上貢獻了重要的作品. 在這張專輯中加入他們作品的是法蘭克.布瑞基在第一次世界大戰中寫的(哀歌). 這張是指揮約翰.威爾森和他得過獎的倫敦市立交響樂團的第四張專輯. 布利斯在他完成導演柯達(愛情未來 Things to Come)的配樂之後編寫給弦樂器的音樂, 他希望寫出一份'純粹的音樂', 來表達他自己的而不是別人的構想. 布列頓的(布瑞基主題變奏曲)是在1937年五月受指揮家Boyd Neel委託寫給那年夏天的薩爾斯堡音樂節, 是以很快的速度編寫完成, 並且幫助他建立起國際聲望. 此曲奉獻給他的老師法蘭克.布瑞基, 其主題旋律來自於布瑞基給弦樂四重奏的三首牧歌(Idylls)的第二首. 柏克萊於1938/39年與布列頓住在一起時, 在斯內普.馬爾丁鎮(Snape Maltings)編寫他的弦樂小夜曲. 此曲在英國已經在戰爭中完成, 並且似乎反應出作曲家在不確定未來世界的焦慮情緒. Our SACD's are hybrid and will play on any normal CD player During the 1930s, Bliss, Britten, and Berkeley all contributed major works to the repertoire for string orchestra, following in the footsteps of Elgar and Vaughan Williams. They are joined on this album by Frank Bridge whose Lament was composed during the First World War. This is the fourth recording by John Wilson with his award-winning Sinfonia of London. Bliss composed Music for Strings after he had completed the film score for Korda's Things to Come, driven by his desire to compose a piece of 'pure music', expressing his own ideas rather than those of others. Commissioned in May 1937 by Boyd Neel for the Salzburg Festival that summer, Britten's Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge was composed at great speed, and helped to establish the young composer's international reputation. Dedicated to his teacher, Frank Bridge, the theme is taken from the second of Bridge's Three Idylls for string quartet. Lennox Berkeley composed his Serenade for Strings at Snape Maltings, where he was living with Britten in 1938 / 39. By the time of its completion the nation was at war and the music seems to reflect the composer's anxious mood as the world faced an uncertain future. The album is recorded in Surround-Sound, and available as a hybrid SACD. The front cover features a painting by Edward Wadsworth of Bliss's house, Pen Pits, built for him in 1935. English Music for Strings BENJAMIN BRITTEN Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Op.10 for Strings Orchestra 23:37 To F.B. A tribute with affection and admiration 1. Introudction and Theme. Lento maestoso - Allegretto poco lento - 1:31 2. Adagio. Adagio - 1:52 3. March. Presto alla marcia - 1:05 4. Romance. Allegretto grazioso - 1:31 5. Aria Italiana. Allegro brillante - 1:11 6. Bourree Classique. Allegro e pesante - 1:17 7. Wiener Walzer. Lento - Vivace - Lento - Vivace - [ ] - Vivace - 2:05 8. Moto Perpetuo. Allegro molto - 1:00 9. Funeral March. Andante ritmico - Con moto - 3:49 10. Chant. Lento - 1:39 11. Fugue and Finale. Allegro molto vivace - Molto animato - 6:34 FRANK BRIDGE 12. Lament, H 117 (1915) 3:47 for String Orchestra Catherine, aged 9, 'Lisitania' 1915 Adagio, con molto espressione - Poco piu adagio SIR LENNOX BERKELEY Serenade for Strings, Op.12 (1938- 39) 13:01 in Four Movements To John and Clement Davenport 13. IV ivace 2:09 14. II Andantino 3:52 15. III Allegro moderato 3:11 16. I

英國弦樂集 約翰 威爾森 John Wilson English Music for Strings CHSA5264 商品選項

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