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皮亞佐拉 惡魔的浪漫 亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 Piazzolla romance del diablo CHAN20220 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

皮亞佐拉 惡魔的浪漫 亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 Piazzolla romance del diablo CHAN20220 規格

皮亞佐拉 惡魔的浪漫 亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 Piazzolla romance del diablo CHAN20220 最新價格

皮亞佐拉 惡魔的浪漫 亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 Piazzolla romance del diablo CHAN20220 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

皮亞佐拉 惡魔的浪漫 亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 Piazzolla romance del diablo CHAN20220 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 0095115222027 音樂廠牌: Chandos 皮亞佐拉的音樂 (惡魔的浪漫) 馬可‧亞伯涅堤 薩克斯風 義大利愛樂樂團 在他備受讚譽的紐約卡內基音樂廳首演之後, 薩克斯風音樂家馬可.亞伯涅堤從事於世界各地的表演與大師班教學. 他出現在數不完的義大利劇院和許多著名的國際音樂廳, 而且他的巡迴音樂會演出讓他到過亞美尼亞, 比利時, 加拿大, 中國, 塞浦路斯, 芬蘭, 法國, 德國, 希臘, 香港, 義大利, 葡萄牙, 南非, 西班牙, 瑞士, 台灣, 土耳其和美國. 亞伯涅堤在皮亞佐拉1992年7月4日過世時才首次注意到他的音樂, 當時義大利RAI電台報導了這件新聞並播放大師的音樂, 從此他就著迷於這位大師的音樂. 他旅遊到布宜諾斯艾利斯完成他的博士論文, 並有榮幸仔細閱讀大師的原始樂譜手稿和訪問曾經和大師緊密合作過的人: 大師的妻子Laura Escalada, 填詞作家Horacio Ferrer, 和音樂家同事們Pablo Ziegler, Daniel Binelli, Jose Bragato, Arturo Schneider等人. 這張專輯含有亞伯涅堤親自改編給薩克斯風和室內樂團的作品, 被皮亞佐拉的出版商稱之為’一件非常好的作品, 無可挑剔的演奏, 並且表現出對大師崇高的致敬'. Since his highly praised Carnegie Hall debut in New York City, the saxophonist Marco Albonetti has been engaged for performances and master-classes around the world. He has appeared at countless Italian theatres and numerous distinguished international venues, and his concert tours have taken him to Armenia, Belgium, Canada, China, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. Albonetti first discovered the music of Piazzolla on the day he died – 4th July 1992 – when RAI reported the news and broadcast his music. Albonetti's fascination for his music has persisted from that day forward. Traveling to Buenos Aires to research his doctoral dissertation, Albonetti had the privilege of examining the composer's original manuscript scores and interviewing people who had worked closely with Piazzolla: his wife, Laura Escalada, his librettist Horacio Ferrer, and his fellow musicians Pablo Ziegler, Daniel Binelli, Jose Bragato, and Arturo Schneider. This album features his Albonetti's own arrangements for Saxophone and Chamber Orchestra, described by Piazzolla's publisher as 'A splendid piece of work, impeccably executed, and a demonstration of great respect for the music of Maestro Piazzolla.' ASTOR PIAZZOLLA Orchestrations by Marco Albonetti except * Romance del Diablo 1. Otono Porteno (1970) 7:11 (Autumn in Buenos Aires) Cesare Carretta violin 2. Romance del Diablo (1965) 7:00 (Romance of the Devil) 3. Invierno Porteno (1969) 6:50 (Winter in Buenos Aires) from Las Cuatro Estaciones Portenas (The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires) Alessandra Gelfini piano Oblivion (1982) *8:05 4. Improvisation to Oblivion - 2:38 5. Oblivion 5:26 6. Promavera Portena (1970) 5:57 (Spring in Buenos Aires) from Las Cuatro Etaciones Portenas (The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires) Virgilio Monti double-bass 7. Anos de SOledad (1974) 5:01 (Years of Solitude) 8.Verano Porteno (1965, rearranged 1972) 9:51 (Summer in Buenos Aires) from Las Cuatro Estaciones Portenas Cesare Carretta violin Alessandra Gelfini piano 9. Libertango (1974) 3:50 Total time: 53:44 Marco Albonetti soprano saxophone • baritone saxophone Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana

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