專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 0034571179988 音樂廠牌: hyperion 康都曲風 13世紀法國音樂與詩歌第二集 約翰‧波特 男高音 克里斯多福.奧戈曼 男高音 A second volume of music from the Conductus repertory—the least-known genre of medieval music, the 'poor relation' of organum and motets—performed by three singers who combine expert knowledge of the music with voices of unearthly beauty. This album contains poems set to music from thirteenth-century England and France. The subjects range from straightforward exhortations to the Virgin Mary to criticisms of the Papal Curia and a depiction of the student riots in Orleans in 1236. 1 Bulla fulminante unmeasured [3'13] 2 Ave, virga decoris incliti [3'02] 3 Celorum porta [3'51] 4 Quid ultra tibi facere [4'15] 5 Gaude, virgo virginum [5'51] 6 Veste nuptiali unmeasured [2'49] 7 Ave, tuos benedic two-part [2'47] 8 Ave Maria Salus hominum [3'01] 9 Dic, Christi veritas monophonic [2'28] bl Ave, tuos benedic three-part [3'12] bm Excutere de pulvere [3'58] bn Librum clausum et signatum [5'27] bo Aurelianis civitas [3'01] bp Dic, Christi veritas three-part [6'57] bq Veste nuptiali measured [2'27] br Naturas Deus regulis [12'05] bs Bulla fulminante measured [2'18]