*庫存少量 可能缺貨 請聊聊詢問確認* 專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2015 國際條碼: 0034571280059 音樂廠牌: hyperion 浪漫小提琴協奏曲系列第八集曾經推出比利時作曲家魏歐當的相關作品,相隔五年後的第18集再度以比利時作曲家為主角-戎根。以現今來看,這位作曲家較為人熟知的部分大抵以管風琴作品為主,但是他在世時無論是管弦樂或室內樂也都有極高的評價。戎根七歲時開始學習鋼琴,之後就讀比利時列日音樂院,他的作曲天分在青少年時期便已嶄露頭角。1897年他拿下比利時羅馬大獎,得以前往義大利深造以及旅行。 戎根的小提琴協奏曲是他最早的重要作品之一,獻給易沙意。易沙意相當賞識他,也積極推廣他的音樂,但這首協奏曲似乎卻是例外。戎根的好友,同樣是羅馬大獎冠軍的法國作曲家弗洛杭.許米特(Florent Schmitt)形容這首作品是「最精彩的小提琴協奏曲之一」;他對其中「處處洋溢的溫暖抒情」以及「豐沛不絕的主題和旋律」亦是讚不絕口。《幻想曲》是本輯裡面創作時間最早的作品,約莫是戎根拿下大獎正要周遊歐洲之前的事情。樂曲接近結尾處是最大的亮點,無論是浪漫至極的性格、樂團的編寫手法以及特有的和聲語法都在在顯示他的才華。另一首《慢板交響曲》1901年於巴黎完成,樂曲結尾小提琴和獨奏雙簧管以及長笛的深情款款對話更是一絕。 義大利作曲家拉札利就讀巴黎音樂院時的老師是古諾,法朗克和蕭頌都曾給予諸多鼓勵,音樂風格有兩人以及華格納的影子。《給小提琴與管弦樂團的狂想曲》除了流動和聲與優美線條,導入結尾段落時的銅管莊嚴肅穆,頗有華格納的風格。儘管只有單一樂章,卻能將自由的架構拿捏的恰到好處,沈著熟練的配器法一覽無遺。 本系列最常見也是最受歡迎的小提琴演奏家葛拉芬再次於本輯露臉,搭配布拉賓斯與皇家法蘭德斯愛樂,帶給你全新的浪漫體驗。 The Romantic Violin Concerto series reaches Belgium and the music of Joseph Jongen, a composer more celebrated for his organ music now, but who was equally admired in his day for his orchestral and chamber works. Jongen studied at the Liege Conservatoire where he heard the great violinist Eugene Ysaye and composer-conductors Vincent d'Indy and Richard Strauss. In this new album Philippe Graffin (a welcome and familiar presence in this series) collaborates with the Royal Flemish Philharmonic and Martyn Brabbins in Jongen's Violin Concerto, one of the composer's first substantial works. It was described by his contemporary Florent Schmitt as 'one of the finest violin concertos'; and he admired the 'outpouring of warm lyricism' and 'lush profusion of themes and rhythms'. Also included are other works for violin and orchestra, and a Rapsodie for the same forces by Italian Romantic Sylvio Lazzari (1857–1944) who was influenced—as was Jongen—by the music of Cesar Franck. 1 Fantasia in E major Op 12 [6'18] 2 SYLVIO LAZZARI (1857–1944) Rapsodie in E minor [16'52] 3 Adagio symphonique in B major Op 20 [11'53] Violin Concerto in B minor Op 17 [30'42] 4 Allegro poco maestoso [11'55] 5 Adagio, molto espressivo [9'15] 6 Anime [9'32]