塔貝爾格 歌唱的藝術 魏保羅 鋼琴 Paul Wee Thalberg L art du chant SACD2515 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
塔貝爾格 歌唱的藝術 魏保羅 鋼琴 Paul Wee Thalberg L art du chant SACD2515 描述
專輯類型: 2SACD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 7318599925158 音樂廠牌: BIS 塔貝爾格: 歌唱的藝術(莫札特/貝多芬/羅西尼/貝里尼/舒伯特等歌曲改編曲) 魏保羅 鋼琴獨奏 一份李斯特最大的競爭對手的如何用鋼琴唱歌的論述. 白天是位國際法律師, 晚上是位鋼琴演奏家, 魏保羅的首張錄音專輯是在2019年錄製一些今日要求最嚴苛的鋼琴音樂作品: 阿爾肯的交響樂和鋼琴協奏曲的鋼琴獨奏版本. 他這次帶來仍是頗具挑戰性的不同的音樂: 如何用鍵盤唱歌. 鋼琴本質上是敲擊樂器 – 以小錘子敲打琴弦製造出聲音. 要造成真正連續圓滑音(legato) – 或類似某種錯覺 – 是幾個世代以來的鋼琴家們的目標, 但只有極少數的人能夠像塔貝爾格(Sigismond Thalberg)一樣的對這件事情的努力. 塔貝爾格是一位十九世紀的鋼琴演奏巨人, 出生於1812年, 晚於他在國際巡迴音樂會上最大的對手李斯特一年. 他因為能夠讓鋼琴唱歌的能力而經常被單獨表揚, 這種技藝在他很恰當的命為(歌唱藝術應用於鋼琴)的改編集中特別明顯. 此改編集出版於1853年到1863年之間, 包含塔貝爾格改編貝里尼, 羅西尼和韋伯的熱門詠嘆調, 貝多芬和舒伯特的歌曲, 還有其他聲樂作品, 例如: 莫札特安魂曲中的(落淚之日, Lacrimosa). 魏保羅呈現這個今日少為人知但很吸引人的鋼琴演奏歷史樂章, 還有一份內容豐富的解說小冊子, 包含他自己的註解和塔貝爾格的序言, 有這位大師給希望讓鋼琴唱歌的人的建議. A treatise from Liszt's greatest rival on how to sing on the keyboard International lawyer by day and piano virtuoso by night, Paul Wee made his recording debut in 2019 with some of the most technically demanding piano music there is: Alkan's Symphony and Concerto for solo piano. He now returns with music which presents a different, but not lesser challenge: how make the keyboard sing. The piano is by nature a percussive instrument –the sound is created by little hammers falling on strings. To create a true legato –or the illusion of it –has been the aim of generations of pianists, but few have taken the matter as far as Sigismond Thalberg. A giant in nineteenth-century pianism, Thalberg was born in 1812, the year after Franz Liszt, his greatest rival on the international concert circuit. In comparison to the latter, Thalberg was often singled out for his ability to make the piano sing, an art which he himself highlighted in a collection of transcriptions aptly named The Art of Singing Applied to the Piano. Published between 1853 and 1863, the collection included Thalberg's adaptations of popular arias by Bellini, Rossini and Weber and songs by Beethoven and Schubert, but also other vocal works, such as Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem. This nowadays little-known but fascinating chapter in the history of pianism is presented by Paul Wee, together with a substantial booklet which includes his own liner notes as well as Thalberg's foreword, with the master's advice to those who want their keyboards to sing. Sigismond Thalberg (1812—71) Disc 1 L'art du chant applique au piano, Op. 70 123'15 Transcriptions of famous works by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Bellini, Rossini, Weber, Donizetti and other great masters 1—7 ) Series I 39'34 8—13 )Series II 27'43 Disc 2 1—7 ) Series III 30'41 8—13 ) Series IV 25'01 14—16 ) Three Schubert Lieder transcribed for solo piano, Op. 79a 7'53 17 ) Auf Flügeln des Gesanges (Mendelssohn—Thalberg) 2'58 18 ) Mi manca la voce (from Rossini's Mose in Egitto) 3'39 Paul Wee piano 2-DISC SET TT: 139'11
塔貝爾格 歌唱的藝術 魏保羅 鋼琴 Paul Wee Thalberg L art du chant SACD2515 商品選項
塔貝爾格 歌唱的藝術 魏保羅 鋼琴 Paul Wee Thalberg L art du chant SACD2515 屬性
塔貝爾格 歌唱的藝術 魏保羅 鋼琴 Paul Wee Thalberg L art du chant SACD2515 用戶評測