專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2015 國際條碼: 0034571178950 音樂廠牌: hyperion 史克里亞賓:兩首奏鳴曲及兩首詩曲/楊納傑克:奏鳴曲(從街上) 史帝芬.賀夫 鋼琴 The music of Scriabin and Janacek - contrasting and highly eccentric composers dear to Stephen Hough's heart - make for a perfect recital. The sensual perfumes of the one intertwine with the disruptive obsessions of the other, and Hough the magician tightens his spell. 1 SCRIABIN Piano Sonata No 5 Op 53 [12'25] JANaCVEK On the overgrown path JW VIII/17 Book 1 [31'36] 2 Our evenings [3'49] 3 A blown-away leaf [3'17] 4 Come with us! [1'08] 5 The Frýdek Madonna [3'27] 6 They chattered like swallows [2'23] 7 Words fail! [2'09] 8 Good night [3'04] 9 Unutterable anguish [5'02] 10 In tears [3'29] 11 The barn owl has not flown away! [3'48] 12 SCRIABIN Poeme in F sharp major Op 32 No 1 [3'03] 13 SCRIABIN Vers la flamme 'Poeme' Op 72 [5'49] JANaCVEK Piano Sonata '1.X.1905, From the street' [12'14] 14 Presentiment [4'55] 15 Death [7'19] SCRIABIN Piano Sonata No 4 in F sharp major Op 30 [7'32] 16 Andante [2'35] 17 Prestissimo volando [4'57]