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布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 規格

布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 最新價格

布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 7318599924786 音樂廠牌: BIS 布拉姆斯:法國號室內樂作品(法國號三重奏/C小調詼諧曲) 弗朗克-傑米爾 法國號 丹尼爾.格林伍德 鋼琴 法國號是布拉姆斯年輕時從他專業演奏的父親學會的樂器之一. 從他的交響曲中榮耀的獨奏可明顯看出他對此樂器的熟悉與熱愛, 並且在寫給記憶中的母親克莉絲蒂安的法國號三重奏中放在重要的位置. 即使如此, 他從未在其他編寫的室內樂中包含法國號 – 這是一件讓法國號音樂家從此引以為憾的疏忽. 在BIS唱片公司發行了兩張備受讚譽的兩張專輯後, 法國號音樂家亞利克.弗朗克-傑米爾決定要糾正這一點, 並找來鋼琴家丹尼爾.格林伍德(Daniel Grimwood)和小提琴家班傑明.馬奎斯.吉爾摩(Benjamin Marquise Gilmore)當幫手. 這片CD無庸置疑的包含了法國號三重奏 - 弗朗克-傑米爾選擇使用英國名法國號音樂家奧柏瑞.布萊恩(Aubrey Brain)在他的1933年傳奇錄音中演奏此作品的樂器. 但在導致這改編作品之前的是原本是分別寫給小提琴和大提琴的兩件作品. 弗朗克-傑米爾在解說小冊子中討論這有時有爭議的改編音樂話題和解釋他選擇的作品. 在布拉姆斯提供給F-A-E奏鳴曲(包含舒曼和狄特里希的樂章)而寫的詼諧曲中(Sherzo), 他發現這作品主要的構造是由喇叭聲所組成, 而快速的6/8主題旋律讓他想起法國號三重奏最後的樂章. 弗朗克-傑米爾在此片中也想要包含一首奏鳴曲, 他選定E小調大提琴奏鳴曲, 作品38, 因為該作品最適合用法國號演奏, 再加上丹尼爾.格林伍德改編, 並一起決定提高調性變成G小調. 經過他們的努力, 我們終於能夠呈現出一個讓喇叭手和我們夢想中的布拉姆斯演奏會. The horn was one of the instruments that Johannes Brahms learned in his youth, from his father who played it professionally. His fondness and familiarity with the instrument is clear from the glorious solos that he provided it with in his symphonies, and he gave it pride of place in the Horn Trio that he wrote in memory of his mother Christiane. Even so, he never composed any other chamber work involving the horn –an oversight that horn players have regretted ever since. Following up on two highly acclaimed discs for BIS, Alec Frank-Gemmill decided to rectify this, and enlisted the help of pianist Daniel Grimwood and violinist Benjamin Marquise Gilmore. It goes without saying that the resulting disc includes the Horn Trio–which Frank-Gemmill has chosen to perform on the instrument played by Aubrey Brain on his legendary 1933 recording of the work. But leading up to this are two works originally written for violin and cello respectively. The sometimes controversial subject of transcriptions is discussed by Frank-Gemmill in his liner notes where he also explains his selection of works. In the Scherzo that Brahms wrote as his contribution to the F-A-E Sonata (which also included movements by Schumann and Albert Dietrich), he finds that the very fabric of the piece is made up of horn calls, while the galloping 6/8 theme reminds him of the final movement of the horn trio. Wanting to also include a sonata, Frank-Gemmill settled on the E minor Cello Sonata, Op. 38 as the one best suited for the horn, and together with arranger Daniel Grimwood the decision was made to transpose the work a third up, into G minor. Through their efforts, we are able to present a Brahms recital that hornists – and the rest of us – could only dream of. Johannes Brahms (1833—97) 1 ) Scherzo in C minor, WoO 2 5'38 from the 'F-A-E Sonata' (transcr. Smith) Sonata in G minor, Op. 38 26'09 (Cello Sonata in E minor, arr. Grimwood) 2 ) I. Andante — Allegro ma non troppo 13'57 3 ) II. Allegretto quasi Menuetto 5'26 4 ) III. Allegro 6'37 Trio in E flat major, Op. 40 27'19 for horn, violin and piano 5 ) I. Andante 7'21 6 ) II. Scherzo. Allegro 6'56 7 ) III. Adagio mesto 6'29 8 ) IV. Allegro con brio 6'15 TT: 60'04

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布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 屬性

布拉姆斯 法國號室內樂作品 Brahms Chamber Music with Horn SACD2478 用戶評測



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