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花生醬獵鷹 電影原聲帶 The Peanut Butter Falcon OST VSD00133 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

花生醬獵鷹 電影原聲帶 The Peanut Butter Falcon OST VSD00133 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 0888072120051 音樂廠牌: Varese Sarabande 這部電影是個現代馬克•吐溫式的冒險故事,敘述了22歲患有唐氏症的年輕人札克逃離照護院區,進入職業摔跤學校,追逐自己成為職業摔跤手的夢想。 在特別情況下,32歲犯法在逃的泰勒成為了札克意外的教練和盟友。他們一起繞過三角洲,逃避警方追捕。逃亡中他們一起喝威士忌,尋找上帝,捉魚充饑。路上他們遇上艾莉諾這個喜歡講述自己故事的善良安養院員工,一同加入他們的築夢旅程。三個成員也因此「再接再勵」迎向新的未來。 配樂製作以四位對於獨立音樂與美國南方音樂特別嫻熟的Zachary Dawes、Noam Pikelny、Jonathan Sadoff與Gabe Witcher,合作配樂演出。班鳩琴、吉他與小提琴的演奏在電影中分別出現許多氣氛與角色的融入。再配合「Uncloudy Day」、「The Stable Song」與「Running For So Long」等八首靈魂、藍調與鄉村歌曲演唱,建構出整個配樂的多元呈現。 From Varese Sarabande comes the Official Soundtrack to The Peanut Butter Falcon, a heartwarming film written and directed by Michael Schwartz and Tyler Nilson. The film stars Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson and newcomer Zack Gottsagen. You can see the movie trailer here: When the film premiered at the South by Southwest in March, it won the Audience Award in the Narrative Spotlight category. With a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, The Peanut Butter Falcon counts as one of the most highly anticipated movies of the summer. Its theatrical release is by Roadside Attractions. The Americana leaning soundtrack features new and classic songs from Sara Watkins, (Nickel Creek, I'm With Her), Gregory Alan Isakov and The Staple Singers, among others, as well as a score composed by Zach Dawes, Jonathan Sadoff and members of The Punch Brothers, winners of the 2018 Grammy for Best Folk Album. 1. Cold Open - Henry Burnett, Zachary Dawes, Noam Pikelny, Jonathan Sadoff, Gabe Witcher 2. Clean Up Your Act Tyler - Flashback - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 3. Crab Trap Beat Down - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 4. Uncloudy Day - Staple Singers, The 5. On The Water - Boat Chase - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 6. On The Water - Coast Is Clear - The Staple Singers 7. Traveling Theme - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 8. What Is Your Name - Elanore Canvasing - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 9. You Led Me To The Wrong - Reed, Ola Belle 10. Where The Wild, Wild Flowers Grow - Reed, Ola Belle 11. Tyler Teaches Zak To Swim - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 12. Whippoorwills - Ola Belle Reed 13. My Heart Keeps Singing / Baptism - Ola Belle Reed 14. Give You All The Wishes - Flashback - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 15. Love Me In Kind - Chance McCoy 16. The Peanut Butter Falcon Emerges - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 17. Canvassing - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 18. Bad Boys - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 19. The Stable Song - Isakov, Gregory Alan; Colorado Symp 20. Hold Up Tyler - Bad Boys - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 21. This Heartache - The Time Jumpers 22. Wrestling Theme - Dawes, Zachary; Pikelny, Noam; Sado 23. Atomic Throw - The Time Jumpers 24. Running For So Long (House A Home) - Ainsworth, Parker; Walker, But; Ja 25. Long Hot Summer Days - Watkins, Sara






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