專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 0888072122130 音樂廠牌: Concord 爵士樂強調即興演奏的趣味,以及現場演出時難以預期的音樂火花。因此許多爵士樂的經典表演都是臨場即時反應的成就。奇克•柯瑞亞這位爵士樂傳奇人物是大師邁爾˙戴維斯樂團1960年代末的成員,也是1970年代初Return To Forever樂團的創團者。他也榮獲23座葛萊美大獎,成為葛萊美獎爵士樂獎項最多的得獎者。 2010年到2012年他與鼓手Brian Blade、貝斯手Christian McBride合組一個獨特的巡演計劃【即興三部曲】(Trilogy) ,於2013年底一口氣推出巡演精彩表演的3CD,隔年一舉獲得葛萊美大獎。三人原本就因為奇克•柯瑞亞五重奏樂團時有著良好合作默契,再組三重奏時跨越三個世代的組合,也成為一個即興演奏的現代傳奇。隨後三人陸續受邀在世界各地演出,到2016年間,從美國、加拿大、瑞士與義大利的演出中集結中12首樂曲以雙CD發行【即興三部曲--第二集】。專輯收錄的樂曲一開始以Irving Berlin的經典樂曲『How High The Moon』讓人驚豔,其他集結的曲目還有奇克•柯瑞亞年輕時的知名創作『Now He Sings, Now He Sobs』、1970年代組成Return To Forever樂團時的名曲『500 Miles High』,再加上邁爾˙戴維斯的名作『All Blues』,三人的精緻演出下獲得All Music Guide四顆星的高度評價,實為難能可貴的爵士當代經典。奇克•柯瑞亞於2021年2月9日因罕見癌症過世,不僅留下眾多的經典錄音,他也是跨越世紀的傳奇爵士大師。 Chick Corea has a new album in October. Appropriately titled Trilogy 2, this is the follow up to 2014's GRAMMY winning Trilogy, by the same trio of Chick, bassist Christian McBride and drummer Brian Blade. The three virtuosos began working together 10 years ago in Corea's Five Peace Band and their musical communication is unparalleled. This 12 track, specially priced 2 CD set, was recorded during the trio's 2016 tour and includes performances from North America, Europe and Japan. Tracks include a mix of jazz standards, modern classics and compositions by Chick. Several highlights include Irving Berlin's "How Deep is the Ocean", Chick's "500 Miles High", Miles Davis' "All Blues", Stevie Wonder's "Pastime Paradise" and Joe Henderson's "Paradise". Disc: 1 1. How Deep Is The Ocean (Live In Bologna, Italy / 2012) 2. 500 Miles High (Live In Rockport, USA / 2016) 3. Crepuscule With Nellie (Live In Minneapolis, USA / 2016) 4. Work (Live In Minneapolis, USA / 2016) 5. But Beautiful (Live In Zürich, Switzerland / 2012) 6. La Fiesta (Live In Zürich, Switzerland / 2012) Disc: 2 1. Eiderdown (Live In St. Louis, USA / 2016) 2. All Blues (Live In Ottawa, Canada / 2016) 3. Pastime Paradise (Live In Rochester, USA / 2016) 4. Now He Sings, Now He Sobs (Live In Oakland, USA / 2010) 5. Serenity (Live In Ottawa, Canada / 2010) 6. Lotus Blossom (Live In Tokyo, Japan / 2010)