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向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 規格

向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 最新價格

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向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0034571283104 音樂廠牌: hyperion 向郭德夫斯基致致敬 (諧謔曲/練習曲/前奏曲/幻想曲) 安德烈·古寧 鋼琴 一個有點曲折的週年紀念的封號 - 在誕生一百五十年後, 這是一個精彩的向雷歐波德.郭德夫斯基 (1870~1938)致敬的演奏會. 這是安德烈·古寧在Hyperion唱片公司繼廣受讚譽的蕭士塔柯維契專輯之後的第二張專輯, 很難想像除了他之外還會有更具說服力的演奏. An anniversary accolade with a twist: one hundred and fifty years after his birth, this is a wonderful recital of some of the many works dedicated to Leopold Godowsky. It’s difficult to imagine more persuasive performances than these by Andrey Gugnin, who makes a second appearance on Hyperion after his universally—and vociferously—acclaimed Shostakovich. Charakterskizzen Op 40 [21'21] Josef Hofmann (1876-1957) 1 Vision [5'26] 2 Jadis [3'20] 3 Nenien [7'05] 4 Kaleidoskop [5'30] 5 Etude pour la main gauche seule Op 36 [5'57] Felix Blumenfeld (1863-1931) 6 Vision (No 19 in B minor of Etudes de concert) [4'34] Emil von Sauer (1862-1942) 7 Scherzo-Etude Op 67 [4'09] Eugenio Pirani (1852-1939) 8Prelude No 13 (No 1 in G flat major of Preludes Book 3, Op 12) [1'30] Abram Chasins (1903-1987) Drei Klavierstücke Op 33 [8'30] Ignacy Friedman (1882-1948) 9 Etude [2'33] 10 Mazourka [2'13] 11 Tabatiere à musique [3'44] 12 Etude for the left hand (No 2 of Two piano pieces, Op 12) [5'04] Ossip Gabrilowitsch (1878-1936) 13 La fantastique (No 4 of Rhapsodie-Etudes, Op 42) [2'07] Joseph Holbrooke (1878-1958) 14 Une nuit tenebreuse (No 5 of Rhapsodie-Etudes, Op 42) [3'59] Joseph Holbrooke (1878-1958) 15 Etude de concert No 5 in F major Op 115 [2'36] Constantin von Sternberg (1852-1924) Trois morceaux Op 48 [7'36] Theodor Leschetizky (1830-1915) 16 Prelude humoresque [1'19] 17 Intermezzo scherzando [2'35] 18 Etude heroïque [3'42] 19 Troisieme etude orientale (en quartes) [3'11] Theodor Szántó (1877-1934) 20 Melodia appassionata (No 6 in E minor of Six morceaux, Op 81) [4'18] Moritz Moszkowski (1854-1925) 21 La campanella (No 3 in G sharp minor of Grandes Etudes de Paganini, S141) [5'28] Franz Liszt (1811-1886) & Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840), arr. Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924) [80'20]

向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 商品選項

向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 屬性

歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

向郭德夫斯基致敬 古寧 Gugnin Homage to Godowsky CDA68310 用戶評測


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