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筆記 康斯坦丁 科庫羅夫 管弦作品集 Konstantin Kokourov Notes EVCD062 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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筆記 康斯坦丁 科庫羅夫 管弦作品集 Konstantin Kokourov Notes EVCD062 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 5051083148764 音樂廠牌: Evidence 筆記 康斯坦丁·科庫羅夫:管弦作品集 帕菲爾.沙斯基 鋼琴 在北方的領土出生的年輕俄羅斯作曲家康斯坦丁·科庫羅夫發行了他的第一張錄音作品. 這專輯模擬作品來源的西伯利亞, 其崎嶇的地形掩蓋不住美麗的地平線景觀. 不只如此, 科庫羅夫的音樂表達這些與世隔絕的地區的奇妙景觀, 也揭露了該地區奇異與神秘的陰影面. 從管弦樂團如史詩般密集的氛圍中(西伯利亞之聲, Voice of Siberia), 到鋼琴彈奏的透明清澈(旋風, Whirlwind), 科庫羅夫的作品表達了奇異的斯拉夫神話與民間傳說和令人印象深刻的人物(燃燒的太陽, Flaming Sun). 他從重金屬和古典音樂薰陶中成長, 以改編成管絃樂曲調的作品來向普羅高菲夫, 拉赫曼尼諾夫, 還有潘特拉(Pantera), 龍族樂團(DragonForce), 挪威Satyricon, 傑森.貝克(Jason Becker)等重金屬與搖滾樂團致敬. 科庫羅夫運用優異的調色盤與奇妙的音樂世界調配, 以一段又一段的音樂建立橋樑來拉近兩個音樂世界的距離. Scoring Berlin Orchestra Bernhard Wunsch Pavel Shatskiy Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir Born from the northern lands, the young Russian composer Konstantin Kokourov releases his first record. This album mirrors the Siberia from which it sprang and whose rugged landscapes don't deny the beauty of its horizons. Far from that, though Kokourov's music expresses the wonders of these isolated countries, it indeed reveals their fantastic and mysterious shadows. From the dense and somehow epic mass of the orchestra (Voices of Siberia) to the transparency playing of the piano (Whirlwind), Kokourov's work conveys all the fascinating myths of the Slavonic folklore and impressive and eerie figures (Flamming Sun). Nourished from metal and classical music, Prokofiev and Rachmaninov, but also Pantera, Satyricon, DragonForce, Jason Becker, to whom the Russian composer pays a tribute with an orchestral arrangement of Air. Konstantin Kokourov deploys, with a great colour palette a marvelous universe. Piece after piece, his music builds bridges between two worlds that never seemed so close. 1 Whirlwind 2. In the witch house 3. Elegy within 4. Forest critter 5. Voices of siberia 6. Ice cave 7. Waltz of memoirs 8. Air 9. Flaming sun 10. Outro

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