專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 5051083149334 音樂廠牌: Aparte 莫札特: 五首青年交響曲 / 對舞舞曲 戈爾茲 指揮 佛萊堡巴洛克管弦樂團 影像具有保留過往歷史痕跡的能力是真的, 指揮戈爾茲與佛萊堡巴洛克管弦樂團以此錄音專輯證明音樂也有隱藏內心回憶的秘密. 雖然很少被演奏, 甚至於稀少的被錄音出版, 莫札特的青年交響曲帶有他小時候懷舊的回憶和他未來傑出作品的開端. 佛萊堡巴洛克管弦樂團藉此專輯完成這位卓越作曲家的肖像, 他的影響力在這三件交響曲和五首對舞舞曲(Contredanses)與他的音樂風格中: 從第22號交響曲聽到的G小調調性到在第一首對舞舞曲聽到的詠嘆調(你不會再走下去, Non piu andrai), 年輕時的莫札特音樂與年老時的彼此呼應著. 此片是莫札特曲目專家戈爾茲指揮佛萊堡巴洛克管弦樂團, 提供一個真誠的表演與詮釋, 並提供莫札特曲目拼圖的最後一塊. Freiburger Barockorchester Gottfried von der Goltz It is true that images have the power to keep a trace of the past. Gottfried von der Goltz and the Freiburger Barockorchestra prove, with this recording, that music, too, conceals the secret of the memory deep within. Though rarely played, much less recorded, Mozart's youth symphonies bear the reminiscence of the child the composer used to be, as well they include the seeds of his future masterpieces. The Freiburger Barockorchester fullfils, with this album, the portrait of the brilliant composer, whose influences lie in these symphonies and contredanses, as well as his musical tastes: from the G minor tonality that we hear in the Symphony K. 22 to the aria "Non piu andrai" that can be heard in the first Contredanse, the music of the young Mozart echos to the elder. Conducted by Gottfried von der Goltz, expert of the repertoire, the orchestra offers a genuine performance and interpretation, delivering the last piece of the Mozart puzzle. 1-3. Symphonie en mi bemol majeur, K. 16 I. Molto allegro II. Andante III. Presto 4. Cinq Contredanses (n° 2, mi bemol majeur), K. 609 5-7. Symphonie en re majeur, K. 19 I. Allegro II. Andante III. Presto 8. Cinq Contredanses (n° 3, re majeur), K. 609 9-11. Symphonie en fa majeur, K Anh. 223/19a I. Allegro assai II. Andante III. Presto 12. Cinq Contredanses (n° 1, do majeur), K. 609 13-15. Symphonie en si bemol majeur, K. 22 I. Allegro II. Andante III. Allegro molto 16. Cinq Contredanses (n° 4, do majeur), K. 609 17-19. Symphonie en sol majeur, K Anh. 221/45a I. Allegro maestoso II. Andante III. Molto allegro 20. Cinq Contredanses (n° 5, sol majeur), K. 609