美人魚角 蓋雅爾 大提琴 Toquinho Gaillard Canto Da Sereia AP182 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
美人魚角 蓋雅爾 大提琴 Toquinho Gaillard Canto Da Sereia AP182 描述
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 5051083130387 音樂廠牌: Aparte 美人魚角 / 誰生活都會看到 / 水彩畫 托奇紐 演唱 歐菲莉.蓋雅爾 大提琴 西法克 編曲 芭莎諾瓦的音樂世界遇到古典音樂而形成這張特別的唱片, 這是因為巴西芭莎諾瓦傳奇歌手托奇紐(Toquinho)和國際知名的大提琴家歐菲莉.蓋雅爾的相遇而誕生. 此片包含幾首標準芭莎諾瓦與幾首獨家的錄音, 使用作曲家西法克(Gabriel Sivak)的改編原稿. 這片錄音有如呼吸到在溫暖夏夜中的芬芳氣息 蓋雅爾柔和的弦樂呼應著托奇紐擾動靈魂般的輕聲細語. 透過和聲和無法抵抗與心跳一致的節奏, 微妙的顯示了芭莎諾瓦音樂的精髓. 托奇紐用他的吉他彈出和絃, 同時唱著巴西著名詩人與作曲家Vinicius de Moraes寫的歌詞, 證明了這位詩人在此音樂中找到呼應他靈魂的回聲:誰能抵擋美人魚誘惑的歌聲? Toquinho (vocals) Ophelie Gaillard (cello) The world of bossa nova meets classical music for a unique record, born from the exceptional encounter of the Brazilian singer Toquinho, living legend of the bossa, and the international cellist Ophelie Gaillard. Including standards alongside several exclusive songs, with original arrangements of the composer Gabriel Sivak, this present recording breathes the sweet fragrance of a warm summer night. The soft warmth of Ophelie Gaillard's strings supports Toquinho's soul-stirring whispers. With delicate harmonies and irresistible rhythms, this subtle reveals the essence of the bossa, which lies in this bright nostalgia and its wistful swing, at the rhythm of the beating heart. Toquinho picks out the chords on his guitar as he mumurs the words of Vinicius de Moraes and proves that the poet found in this music the right echo of his soul: how can one resist to this bewitching Song of the siren? 1. Quem viver, verá (Toquinho) 2. Canto da sereia (Gabriel Sivak/Toquinho) 3. Samba da Bencao ; Samba pra Vinicius (Baden Powell/Vinicius de Moraes/Toquinho/Chico Buarque) 4. Eu sei que vou te amar (Tom Jobim/Vinicius de Moraes) 5. Alvorada (Cartola/Cachaca/H.B de Carvalho) 6. Bachianinha no.1 (Paulinho Nogueira) 7. Tarde em itapoã (Toquinho/Vinicius de Moraes) 8. Fariseus (Gabriel Sivak/Toquinho/Paulo Cesar Pinheiro) 9. Acuarela (Toquinho/Maurizio Fabrizio/Guido Morra/Vinicius de Moraes) 10. Carinhoso (Pixinguinha) 11. Escravo da Alegria (Toquinho/Vinicius de Moraes) 12. Tristeza (Niltinho) 13. Bachiana Brasileira no.5 (H. Villa-Lobos)
美人魚角 蓋雅爾 大提琴 Toquinho Gaillard Canto Da Sereia AP182 商品選項
美人魚角 蓋雅爾 大提琴 Toquinho Gaillard Canto Da Sereia AP182 屬性
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