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紅粉馬丁尼 戀戀難忘 Pink Martini A Retrospective HNZ011 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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紅粉馬丁尼 戀戀難忘 Pink Martini A Retrospective HNZ011 最新價格

紅粉馬丁尼 戀戀難忘 Pink Martini A Retrospective HNZ011 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

紅粉馬丁尼 戀戀難忘 Pink Martini A Retrospective HNZ011 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2011 國際條碼: 0723721602055 音樂廠牌: naive 紅粉馬丁尼從第一張專輯就爆紅,獲得世界各地熱烈的迴響,並展開了巡迴演出,也曾經來到台灣來做演出造成轟動,也因為他們滿檔行程,樂迷們總是引頸期盼他們新作品問世,每回的專輯總在錄音室裏精雕細琢,呈現出最完美的狀態,不僅是受到樂迷的歡迎,更是樂評所一致推薦的,而2011年是紅粉馬丁尼成軍16年,特別推出首張精選《戀戀難忘》。 這張精選《戀戀難忘》收錄了超值收錄21首精采的曲目,除了有14首經典錄音作品,另外有七首從未發表過的作品,包含《自由大道》導演葛斯·范·桑處女錄音作品《Moon River》,還有DJ Johnny Dynell打造的《Una Notte A Napoli》電音版本,更有與Hiroshi Wada混音日本味十足的《Una Notte A Napoli》為,超過75分鐘的內容,48頁由團長Thomas M. Lauderdale所拍攝從未曝光的珍貴照片,記錄了紅粉馬丁尼16年來的成長蛻變。 This 21-track 'best of' album is an eye-opening exploration into the history of Pink Martini. The album features nearly 75 minutes of the band's most acclaimed numbers as well as eight previously unreleased tracks, all in a deluxe packaging that includes a 48-page photo book of rare Polaroids taken by bandleader Thomas M. Lauderdale. A Retrospective spans the band's 16-plus year career and features appearances by Saori Yuki, Hiroshi Wada, Michael Feinstein, Georges Moustaki and acclaimed film director Gus Van Sant making his recording debut. 1. Una notte a napoli (first recording) * 2. Hang on little tomato 3. ¿Donde estas yolanda? (China Forbes vocals version)* 4. Hey Eugene 5. La soledad 6. Splendor in the grass 7. Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu (The Hiroshi Wada mix) * 8. Anna (El negro zumbon) 9. Ma solitude (featuring Georges Moustaki) 10. Mas que nada (featuring Saori Yuki) * 11. Sympathique 12. Lilly 13. How long will it last? (featuring Michael Feinstein) 14. Tuca tuca 15. Que sera sera 16. Moon river (featuring Gus Van Sant) * 17. Amado mio 18. The man with the big sombrero * 19. Aspettami (first recording)* 20. Auld lang syne 21. Una notte a napoli (DJ Johnny Dynell remix) *

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紅粉馬丁尼 戀戀難忘 Pink Martini A Retrospective HNZ011 屬性

歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

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