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巴西音樂導遊 森巴 巴莎諾瓦 各種音樂 Brazil Samba Bossa and Beyond PUT381 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

巴西音樂導遊 森巴 巴莎諾瓦 各種音樂 Brazil Samba Bossa and Beyond PUT381 規格

巴西音樂導遊 森巴 巴莎諾瓦 各種音樂 Brazil Samba Bossa and Beyond PUT381 最新價格

巴西音樂導遊 森巴 巴莎諾瓦 各種音樂 Brazil Samba Bossa and Beyond PUT381 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

巴西音樂導遊 森巴 巴莎諾瓦 各種音樂 Brazil Samba Bossa and Beyond PUT381 描述

"專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0790248038124 音樂廠牌: Putumayo 無論我們的音樂旅遊帶領我們到任何地方, 我們永遠會發現自己會回到巴西. 經過許多年, 這文化豐富國家的音樂一直是Putumayo世界音樂系列重要的成分之一, 起初是傳奇人物喬治班(Jorge Ben)和吉貝托吉爾(Gilberto Gil)收錄在Putumayo 1993年的第一張選輯中. 自從1960年巴莎諾瓦名曲""來自伊帕尼瑪的女孩 The Girl from Ipanema""以來, 巴西音樂持續地在全球各地有熱愛的聽眾. 到底是甚麼讓巴西音樂如此的吸引人? 就像任何很棒的食譜一樣, 是組合的成份以適當的比例混合做出超越原本食材的一盤美食. 巴西音樂提供一種會混合了美國, 歐洲和非洲深厚的文化傳統, 在這獨特的南美洲熔爐熬練了幾個世紀, 這份開胃的巴西音樂菜色是混合了亞馬遜雨林多樣性的聲音, 葡萄牙詩詞和感性與吸引人的非洲旋律. 再加上短短幾段進口的爵士, 流行, 靈魂, 搖滾, 雷鬼等各種音樂, 結果就是一種吸引所有年齡與文化背景聽眾的魔術般組合. 此選輯的歌來自於巴西各地, 從貝倫區(Belém)的亞馬遜旋律和根源於非洲的巴伊亞(Bahia)音樂, 到里約熱內盧的浪漫遐想和聖保羅的森巴舞之魂. 註: 內附數位音樂下載卡片. No matter where our musical journeys take us , we always find ourselves returning to Brazil . Over the years , the music of this culturally rich country has been an essential element of Putumayo collections beginning with the legendary Jorge Ben and Gilberto Gil on our first compilation in 1993. Since the bossa nova hit , “ The Girl from Ipanema , "" in the 1960s , Brazilian music has continued to find receptive audiences in all corners of the earth . What makes Brazilian music so appealing ? Like any great recipe , it is the combination of ingredients blended in just the right way that results in a dish that is greater than the sum of its parts . Brazilian music offers a mixture of the profound cultural traditions of the Americas , Europe and Africa , simmered over the centuries in this unique South American melting pot . The savory stew of Brazilian music is blended from the diverse sounds of the Amazonian rainforest , Portuguese poetry and melodic sensibilities and enticing African rhythms . Add to that the dashes of imported jazz , pop , soul , rock , reggae and more , and the result is a magical concoction that appeals to all ages and cultures . The songs on this collection originate from across Brazil , from the Amazonian rhythms of Belém and African roots of Bahia to the romantic reveries of Rio and samba soul of Sao Paulo . Enjoy ! 1. Embola Bola - By Vania Abreu 2. Fala Brasil - By Roge 3. Beijo - By Bia 4. Sapata de Ouro - By Sandalia de Prata 5. Recado Que Maria Mandou - By Luiz Melodia 6. Homenagem aos Orixas - By Dona Onete 7. Babulina - By Sambasonics 8. Sete Espadas - By Dende & Band 9. O Samba Me Cantou (O Flerta da Alma com o Samba) - By Jair Oliveira 10. Batuque e Reza Forte"

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