法國女人 韓德爾的夜鶯 蘇菲瓊克 女高音 Sophie Junker La Francesina AP233 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 5051083152839 音樂廠牌: Aparte 法國女人(韓德爾的夜鶯 - 女高音歌曲 ) 蘇菲·瓊克 女高音 埃曼紐爾·孔德 指揮/大鍵琴 迪奧旅館音樂會樂團 對外號"法國女人"的法國女高音伊莉莎白.杜帕克(Élisabeth Duparc)而言, 韓德爾在重要的作品中 - 歌劇和神劇 - 為她編寫過至少十二個主要角色一直到他過世為止. 例如: 她在歌劇(瑟蜜蕾 Semele)中扮演主角, 在神劇(掃羅 Saul)飾演Michal和在神劇(伯沙撒 Belshazzar)飾演Nitocris. 女高音蘇菲·瓊克和迪奧旅館音樂會樂團在此專輯中以一些她身為作曲家的謬思中最成功的劇中角色向她致敬。 For the French soprano Elisabeth Duparc, known as "La Francesina", Handel composed no fewer than twelve principal roles in major works – operas and oratorios – written towards the end of his life. She took the title role in Semele, for instance, and the parts of Michal in Saul and Nitocris in Belshazzar. Sophie Junker and the Concert de l'Hostel Dieu pay tribute to her here through some of her most successful roles as the composer's muse. 1 Joseph and his Brethren, HWV 59 Act II, scene 2: "Prophetic raptures swell my breast" (Asenath) 08:22 2 Ode to St. Cecilia's day, HWV 76 "What passion cannot raise and quell!" 07:46 3 Deidamia, HWV 42 Act II, scene 9: "Va, perfido ! Quel cor mi tradira" (Deidamia) 05:36 4 Belshazzar, HWV 61 "Sinfonia: Allegro Postillons" 01:42 5 Semele, HWV 58 Act III, scene 3: "Myself I shall adore" (Semele) 07:14 6 Semele, HWV 58 Overture 04:56 7 Hercules, HWV 60 Act I, scene 5: "My father! Ah!" (Iole) 06:12 8 The Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62 Musette from "Sinfonia" 05:06 9 Faramondo, HWV 39 Act I, scene 15: "Mi parto lieta sulla tua fede!" (Clotilde) 05:49 10 Saul, HWV 53 Act III, scene 5: "In sweetest harmony they lived" (Michal) 05:46 11 Deidamia, HWV 42 Act I, scene 5: "Nasconde l'usignol in alto rami il nido" (Deidamia) 06:28 12 Serse, HWV 40 Act I, scene 7: "Ne men con l'ombre d'infedelta" (Romilda) 02:52