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貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公 幽靈 Smetana Trio Beethoven Piano Trios SU4288 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公 幽靈 Smetana Trio Beethoven Piano Trios SU4288 規格

貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公 幽靈 Smetana Trio Beethoven Piano Trios SU4288 最新價格

貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公 幽靈 Smetana Trio Beethoven Piano Trios SU4288 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公 幽靈 Smetana Trio Beethoven Piano Trios SU4288 描述

專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0099925428822 音樂廠牌: Supraphon 貝多芬:四首鋼琴三重奏 作品1,第三號/(大公),作品97/(幽靈),作品70,第一號/作品70,第二號 史麥塔納三重奏 當貝多芬指定作品號碼給他三首鋼琴三重奏之一的時候, 很明顯的是在當年22歲的作曲家將會探索, 推動和共同創立作曲規則, 並且他幾乎將會超越同時代的人所能理解的範圍. 據傳海頓在聽完第一場私人表演的作品一,第三號時, 他對普通聽眾是否能夠聽懂該作品表示懷疑. 貝多芬也用這種樂器組合作實驗 - 以這種形式來實驗和聲和其他部分. D大調鋼琴三重奏,作品70,第一號(幽靈)也許是源自於貝多芬當時正在構想一齣根據莎士比亞戲劇馬克白的歌劇草稿. 這緩慢樂章如幽靈般的音樂, 包含奇怪的轉調(modulations)和據說是改寫原本要寫給歌劇的女巫合唱(Witches Chorus), 因此該作品得到(幽靈三重奏)的外號. 在作品97(大公)中, 貝多芬完全釋放了三件樂器, 讓每一件有平等的空間來發揮各自的技術性質和可能的表達力. 該曲的首演在1814年四月, 是當時已經幾乎全聾的貝多芬的倒數第二場在公開音樂會中彈奏鋼琴. 在貝多芬這位有史以來最偉大的作曲家之一的250週年紀念時, 對史麥塔納三重奏而言是一個無法抗拒的強烈動機. 他們在貝多芬音樂作品目錄中的新片擁有該三重奏之前備受好評的錄音作品的所有特性, 並且無庸置疑的會引起騷動. When Beethoven assigned the opus number one to his three piano trios, it was evident that the then 22-year-old composer would explore, advance and co-create the composition rules, and that he would very nearly transcend that which was comprehensible to his contemporaries. Upon hearing the first private performance of Op. 1, Joseph Haydn purportedly voiced his doubts as to whether the ordinary listener would be able to understand No. 3. Beethoven experimented with this combination of instruments too - with the form, harmonies and other facets. The Piano Trio in D major, Op. 70 No. 1 may have had its roots in sketches for an opera based on Shakespeare's drama Macbeth that Beethoven was contemplating at the time. The spectral music of the slow movement, featuring strange modulations and said to be a reworking of the Witches Chorus intended for the opera, earned the piece the nickname "Ghost Trio". In the "Archduke Trio", Op. 97, Beethoven emancipated all the instruments, providing each equal scope to apply their technical qualities and possibilities of expression. Its first performance, in April 1814, was the penultimate public concert Beethoven, at the time almost deaf, gave as a pianist. The 250th anniversary of one of the greatest composers of all time was an irresistible impulse for the Smetana Trio. Their new addition to the Beethoven discography possesses all the parameters of the ensemble's previous, highly acclaimed recordings and will undoubtedly cause quite a stir. Beethoven's chamber music through the lens of the Smetana Trio CD 1 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio No. 3 C minor Op. 1 1. Allegro con brio 09:54 2. Andante cantabile con variazioni 08:14 3. Menuetto. Quasi allegro - Trio 03:42 4. Finale. Prestissimo 08:05 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio B Flat major Op. 97 Archduke 5. Allegro moderato 13:22 6. Scherzo. Allegro 11:34 7. Andante cantabile ma pero con moto 11:39 8. Piano Trio B Flat major : IV. Allegro moderato 07:20 CD 2 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio No. 1 D minor Op. 70 Ghost 1. Allegro vivace e con brio 10:15 2. Largo assai ed espressivo 08:58 3. Presto 08:13 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio No. 2 E Flat major Op. 70 4. Poco sostenuto - Allegro ma non troppo 10:07 5. Allegretto 05:35 6. Allegretto ma non troppo 06:56 7. Finale. Allegro 08:01

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