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巴哈 經典名曲 帕爾曼 指揮 波士頓巴洛克合奏團 Classic JS Bach CR02012 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

巴哈 經典名曲 帕爾曼 指揮 波士頓巴洛克合奏團 Classic JS Bach CR02012 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 5CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0888072119307 音樂廠牌: Craft 馬丁.帕爾曼 指揮 波士頓巴洛克合奏團 CD1 80412 巴哈: 布蘭登堡協奏曲(2CD) CD3 80517 巴哈: B小調彌撒 (2CD) CD5 80619 巴哈: 管絃樂組曲全集 80412 巴哈: 布蘭登堡協奏曲 J.S. Bach / Brandenburg Concertos No. 1 ~ 6, BWV 1046 ~ 1051 Although Bach dedicated these concertos to the Margrave of Brandenburg in 1721, they were not composed anew for him. The instrumentation for these works was much more suited to the orchestra that Bach was then working with, that of the court of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen. Bach's composition in the concerto form was influenced by the concertos of Vivaldi especially, but represent a stylistic advance in the genre. Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 was perhaps the last of the six to be composed and more closely resembles a concerto grosso than a solo concerto. While the solo group of the violin and two recorders is often opposed as a unit to the larger ensemble. In the 1730s, Bach transformed this piece, substituting harpsichord for the solo violin and transposing it from G major to F major. The solo instruments in Brandenburg concerto No. 5 — harpsichord, violin and flute — operate more independently of the remainder of the ensemble; the second movement is scored for the solo instruments alone. The harpsichord gradually becomes the predominating solo instrument by the end of the first movement, effectively making this the first harpsichord concerto. The harpsichord is given a cadenza at the end of the first movement, unusual for both its length and the fact that it continues the musical narrative instead of interrupting it. For the orchestra, the normal second violin part is completely omitted. The orchestra of Concerto No. 6 completely omits all violins. The solo group of two violas and cello are contrasted with instruments considered to be the core of a basso continuo complement: harpsichord, violone, and two violas da gamba. This standard Baroque instrumentation suggests that this concerto may have been the earliest to be composed. 80517 巴哈/B小調彌撒 Bach:Mass in B minor 波士頓巴洛克樂團是北美地區歷史最悠久的頂尖古樂團體,在慶祝成立二十五週年之際,創辦人、指揮家兼古樂大師馬丁.帕爾曼率領波士頓巴洛克樂團獻上了這闋音樂史上最偉大的合唱鉅作----巴哈的B小調彌撒。從1981年皮爾曼與波士頓巴洛克樂團首次演出這闋經典合唱曲獲得好評之後,時隔近二十年,帕爾曼再以深思熟慮後的全方位精湛詮釋,邀請到男高音圖克、女高音西絲頓…等五位聲譽卓著歌手擔綱獨唱,以及波士頓巴洛克樂團所堅持使用的古樂器演出,讓這闋橫亙古今的B小調彌撒呈現了輝煌燦爛的氣度,再加上DSD領先錄音技術、兩張CD單張價格等無上魅力,您絕對沒有任何理由拒絕這張超值名盤! 80619 巴哈: 管絃樂組曲全集 J.S. Bach: The Complete Orchestral Suites 巴哈的四首《管弦樂組曲》,寫於1717年到1723年他擔任柯坦宮廷樂長時期,主要是為萊比錫音樂協會、齊瑪曼咖啡館或萊比錫秋季商展音樂會演出之用。巴哈在這些曲子裡,採用法國舞蹈組曲模式,將超凡脫俗的對位手法應用到各個不同舞曲之上,讓它們發揮到生龍活虎的完美顛峰。其中,《D大調第3號組曲,BWV1068》由於第二樂章就是耳熟能詳的《G弦之歌》,因此特別著名。馬丁.波爾曼是波士頓大學的古樂權威教授,1973年創立以古樂器擔綱的波士頓巴洛克管弦樂團,至今已有三十多年歷史。他們為發燒大廠TELARC所灌錄的唱片,除了音質絕佳備受音響發燒友愛戴之外,水準也非常高,曾經三度榮獲葛萊美獎提名,其中韓德爾《彌賽亞》全曲更屢次被權威音樂媒體選為排名第一的重要版本。這張新片古色古香且氣質高貴的演奏,魅力十足令人愛不忍釋。






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