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舒伯特 八重奏 高狄耶合奏團 Gaudier Ensemble Schubert Octet CDH55460 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

舒伯特 八重奏 高狄耶合奏團 Gaudier Ensemble Schubert Octet CDH55460 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 0034571154602 音樂廠牌: hyperion 18世紀時出現了以木管和弦樂結合的小夜曲,和同時期的史博、胡麥爾以及其他作曲家相同,舒伯特迷人的八重奏也屬於此類。1824年業餘豎笛家費迪南.特洛亞(貝多芬的好友暨學生魯道夫大公的宮廷首席管家)建議舒伯特可以仿照貝多芬寫一首七重奏(高狄耶合奏團亦曾在Hyperion錄過此曲CDH55189),隨後他立即以無比的熱情和集中力投入這項計畫,他的畫家好友莫里茲.馮.施溫德在寫給共同朋友的信上提到「舒伯特瘋狂投入八重奏的創作已經有好段時間,如果在那時候拜訪舒伯特的話,他會說『嗨~你好嗎?』然後又立刻埋首工作,你只能摸摸鼻子離開」。貝多芬的七重奏編制有豎笛、低音管、法國號、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音大提琴,舒伯特又另外加入了第二部小提琴,但是其他部分像是樂章架構還有調性順序則是完全遵循貝多芬。除此之外,八重奏內的旋律或是美感毫無疑問全部都是舒伯特的典型風格,也證明了其歷久不衰的人氣度。 高狄耶合奏團專門演奏給木管、弦樂和鋼琴的室內樂作品,成員有獨奏家、室內樂演奏家以及來自許多樂團的聲部首席。1989年6月,該團在倫敦首次公開亮相,翌年在Hyperion 發行這張舒伯特八重奏,立刻受到英國媒體的好評,之後陸續推出其他作曲家的八重奏、九重奏或是弦樂五重奏都有相當耀眼的成績。 In 1824 it was suggested that Schubert should write a work similar to Beethoven's Septet (also recorded by the Gaudiers for Hyperion). He subsequently approached the project with such enthusiasm and concentration that a friend wrote of him, 'If you go and see him during the day he says "Hello. How are you?" and carries on working, whereupon you leave'. Schubert added a second violin to Beethoven's scoring for clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, viola, cello and double bass, but adhered to the Septet's movement structure and key sequences almost entirely. However, the melody and beauty that infuse the Octet are quintessentially Schubert, and justify the work's enduring popularity. Here are outstanding performances from an ensemble that draws together some of the most distinguished musicians in Europe. Octet in F major D803 [59'43] 1 Adagio – Allegro [15'07] 2 Adagio [10'15] 3 Allegro vivace [6'19] 4 Andante [11'27] 5 Menuetto: Allegretto [6'20] 6 Andante molto – Allegro [10'15]






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