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史托克豪森 咒語 雷蒙頓 電子合成樂器 Stockhausen Mantra MIR518 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

史托克豪森 咒語 雷蒙頓 電子合成樂器 Stockhausen Mantra MIR518 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 3760127225195 音樂廠牌: MIRARE 史托克豪森:咒語 尚-方斯華.伊謝爾/紐伯格 鋼琴 賽吉·雷蒙頓 電子合成樂器 "I was sitting next to the driver, and I just let my imagination completely loose… I was humming to myself… I heard this melody – it all came very quickly together: I had the idea of one single musical figure or formula that would be expanded over a very long period of time..." Karlheinz Stockhausen Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) Jean-Frederic Neuburger piano Jean-Francois Heisser piano Serge Lemouton electronique 1 introduction et formule 1'18 2 repetition reguliere 3'15 3 accent à la fin 3'24 4 son « normal » 5'05 5 gruppetto autour d'une note centrale 6'30 6 tremolo 6'02 7 accord marque 10'17 8 accent au debut 2'59 9 liaison chromatique 6'24 10 staccato 2'59 11 repetition irreguliere « morse » 2'04 12 trille 5'04 13 sforzando (fortepiano) 3'51 14 lien en arpege 4'38 15 coda - reprise de la formule 4'20






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