附註 小提琴小品集 西施 小提琴 Chiche Pontier Post scriptum NMM072 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 5051083152273 音樂廠牌: NoMad 附註(小提琴小品集:克萊斯勒.孟德爾頌.拉赫曼尼諾夫.佛瑞 ) 瑪麗娜·西施 小提琴 歐黑良.龐提 鋼琴 在(附註)專輯中, 小提琴家瑪麗娜·西施和鋼琴家歐黑良.龐提向小提琴家們在音樂會結尾演奏一些改編並模仿其他音樂家短曲的黃金時代致敬. 這張專輯經由重新發現這些迷你珍品來喚起一個失落的時代, 而海飛茲和克萊斯勒是那時最令人敬仰的音樂大使. In Post-scriptum, Marina Chiche and Aurelien Pontier pay homage to the golden age in which violinists arranged, transcribed and made pastiches of short pieces to fill out the ends of their recitals. This is an album that evokes a lost time through the rediscovery of these miniature gems of which Heifetz and Kreisler were once the most admirable ambassadors. 1 Schön Rosmarin 02:07 2 Banjo & Fiddle 03:07 3 On wings of song 03:47 4 Guitarre Op. 45 No. 2 03:34 5 Daisies 02:08 6 Garden scene 03:32 7 Tambourin chinois Op. 3 03:47 8 Alt-Wien 02:23 9 Hebrew Melody Op. 33 05:42 10 Jeanie with the light brown hair 02:56 11 Liebesfreud 03:34 12 Sicilienne 02:44 13 Syncopation 02:13 14 Romance Op. 28 05:30 15 Prophetic bird Op. 82 No. 7 03:23 16 Beau Soir 02:10 17 Introduction and Tarentella 05:19 18 Liebesleid 03:33