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蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 規格

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 最新價格

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 描述

專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 5051083149228 音樂廠牌: Aparte 蕭邦:(夜曲)全集 布魯諾·里古托 鋼琴 法國鋼琴家布魯諾·里古托在四十年前首次錄製過蕭邦完整的(夜曲)作品, 現在以隨著時間而成熟的技巧在此新專輯中表演這些曲目. 他長期專注與帶有詩意的詮釋這音樂文集讓此新專輯成為值得令人興奮的對象. 這第二次完整的錄音充滿的光澤也只有時間和持久的想像力才能賦予. 對法國鋼琴家而言, 彈奏蕭邦的音樂帶有種神秘的光環. 表演者敏感度必須能與作曲家的情感產生共鳴. 詮釋者必須從內心發出創造細微的差別和詞彙的氣氛,才能發揮出百鍊成金的魔力. 最後一點, 此專輯是按照夜曲寫作年代的順序錄製而反映出蕭邦內心生活的一面. 因此當我們按順序撥放時有如聽到蕭邦生活的原聲帶. 聽眾們可在浪漫主義的夜光下發現(或重新發現)布魯諾·里古托與最受愛戴的作曲家與鋼琴家. Bruno Rigutto piano Bruno Rigutto performed a new recording, matured over time, of Chopin's Nocturnes, 40 years after his first complete recording of these pieces. His long-time attendance and his poetic approach to this corpus make this new album an exciting object. This second complete recording is enriched with the sheen that only time and long-lasting imagination can give to the performance. For the French pianist, playing Chopin's music has a mysterious aura. The performer's sensitivity has to resonate with the composer's affects. The alchemy is complete, the interpreter drawing from within himself the atmospheres to create subtle nuances and phrasings. Finally, the album is the mirror of the inner life of Chopin since it follows the chronological order of composition of the Nocturnes. So this is the soundtrack to Chopin's life that we are following as we listen. The listener discovers or rediscovers Bruno Rigutto under the nocturnal rays of romanticism, which are infused with the works of one of the most endearing composers and pianists. CD1 1 Nocturne in E minor, op.72 (posthumous) 03:43 2 Nocturne in C sharp minor, op. posthumous 03:52 3 Nocturne in B flat minor, op.9 no.1 05:57 4 Nocturne in E flat major, op.9 no.2 04:01 5 Nocturne in B major, op.9 no.3 06:12 6 Nocturne in F major, op.15 no.1 04:01 7 Nocturne in F sharp major, op.15 no.2 03:19 8 Nocturne in G minor, op.15 no.3 04:54 9 Nocturne in C sharp minor, op.27 no.1 05:07 10 Nocturne in D flat major, op.27 no.2 05:48 11 Nocturne in B major, op.32 no.1 04:28 12 Nocturne in A flat major, op.32 no.2 04:37 CD2 1 Nocturne in C minor, op. posthumous 03:05 2 Nocturne in G minor, op.37 no.1 05:53 3 Nocturne in G major, op.37 no.2 04:51 4 Nocturne in C minor, op.48 no.1 06:13 5 Nocturne in F sharp minor, op.48 no.2 07:23 6 Nocturne in F minor, op.55 no.1 04:50 7 Nocturne in E flat major, op.55 no.2 04:22 8 Nocturne in B major, op.62 no.1 06:27 9 Nocturne in E major, op.62 no.2 05:26

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 商品選項

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 屬性

歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

蕭邦夜曲全集 里古托 鋼琴 Bruno Rigutto Chopin Nocturnes AP220 用戶評測


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