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巴哈 無伴奏大提琴組曲1到6號 JS Bach Cello Suites BWV1007 1012 SU4044 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

巴哈 無伴奏大提琴組曲1到6號 JS Bach Cello Suites BWV1007 1012 SU4044 規格

巴哈 無伴奏大提琴組曲1到6號 JS Bach Cello Suites BWV1007 1012 SU4044 最新價格

巴哈 無伴奏大提琴組曲1到6號 JS Bach Cello Suites BWV1007 1012 SU4044 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

巴哈 無伴奏大提琴組曲1到6號 JS Bach Cello Suites BWV1007 1012 SU4044 描述

專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2011 國際條碼: 0099925404420 音樂廠牌: Supraphon 巴哈1717-23年任職科騰李奧波德王子的宮廷樂長期間結識了樂團內不少好手,他的六首無伴奏大提琴組曲就是受到大提琴家阿貝爾所啟發。但是巴哈去世後這套作品再也沒人演出,頂多被當成教學作品。兩個世紀後西班牙大提琴泰斗卡薩爾斯先是在孩童時期意外發現這套曲目,之後由他首度公開演出才讓這首作品重新受到重視,但即便是演出經歷豐富,大師還是直到六十歲才鼓足勇氣發行錄音。今天巴哈的無伴奏大提琴組曲已經是每個知名大提琴家必備的演出曲目,有不少人都發行過全套錄音。 六十年前年僅24歲的羅斯托波維契(1927-2007)首度在公開場合演出此曲,這是相當具有開創性的舉動,也等於呼應卡薩爾斯對這套曲目的重視。這份錄音則是1955年第十屆布拉格之春音樂節的現場演出,當時羅斯托波維契28歲,年輕的朝氣和早熟過人的藝術性無不令在場的聽眾都為之震撼。羅斯托波維契在這次演出最大的收穫應該是結識了畢生的摯愛女高音維希尼芙斯卡雅,同年他們便決定回到莫斯科結為連理共渡白頭。 和前輩卡薩爾斯的經驗相仿,1991年羅斯托波維契終於下定決心在法國錄下巴哈無伴奏大提琴組曲全集,此時他已經64歲。正是因為如此,這份由捷克廣播資料庫提供,度過半世紀才重見天日的大師現場錄音更顯珍貴。身為紅酒愛好者和鑑賞家的他想必也會認同某些酒類-某些錄音亦然,都得經過一定時間的醞釀才能獲得最豐富的口感和更高的價值。別多說了,這張經過半世紀才熟成的全新上等音樂美酒正在眼前等你打開心胸和耳朵去用心品嚐呢。 Today, Bach's suites form part of the repertoire of every distinguished cellist, and many of them have recorded the complete cycle. Yet when sixty years ago the twenty-four-year-old Mstislav Rostropovich (1927-2007) first performed all the suites in public, it was a trailblazing act, linking up to the previous endeavour of Pablo Casals. When this live recording was made in 1955 atthe Prague Spring festival, Rostropovich was 28 years of age. He astounded the audience with his youthful verve and surprising artistic maturity. At the festival Rostropovich met his lifelong love, Galina Vishnevskaya, whom upon returning to Moscow he married after several days of acquaintance. When in 1991 the cellist made a complete recording of the Bach suites in France, he was 64. Hence, all the more precious is this live recording from the Czech Radio archives, which waited more than half a century for its release. As a lover and connoisseur of wine, Rostropovich would certainly agree that some wines - and some recordings too - acquire a richer taste and a higher value over time. CD 1 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007 1. Prelude 02:26 2. Allemande 02:39 3. Courante 01:59 4. Sarabande 03:04 5. Menuet I, II 02:00 6. Gigue 02:12 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 7. Prelude 03:38 8. Allemande 02:34 9. Courante 01:53 10. Sarabande 04:48 11. Menuet I, II 02:32 12. Gigue 02:24 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009 13. Prelude 03:57 14. Allemande 03:15 15. Courante 02:56 16. Sarabande 04:00 17. Bourree I, II 03:19 18. Gigue 02:39 CD 2 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV 1010 1. Prelude 05:51 2. Allemande 02:41 3. Courante 02:42 4. Sarabande 04:24 5. Bourree I, II 04:26 6. Gigue 02:14 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 5 in C minor, BWV 1011 7. Prelude 07:29 8. Allemande 03:32 9. Courante 01:43 10. Sarabande 04:31 11. Gavotte I, II 03:48 12. Gigue 02:54 Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 6 in D major, BWV 1012 13. Prelude 05:19 14. Allemande 06:55 15. Courante 02:53 16. Sarabande 03:34 17. Gavotte I, II 03:15 18. Gigue 03:42

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