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普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 規格

普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 最新價格

普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 7318599925226 音樂廠牌: BIS 普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 史蒂芬.伊瑟利斯 大提琴 史康寧 鋼琴 以這份給大提琴和鋼琴音樂的節目, 大提琴家史蒂芬.伊瑟利斯和鋼琴家史康寧帶我們到不朽的普魯斯特(追憶似水年華)的世界 – 巴黎人的上流社會和閃耀的沙龍. 這些場合提供一個完美的平台讓當代的作曲家介紹他們的新作品, 並由法國最好的音樂家為一些有同情心, 受過教育和富有(!)的聽眾表演. 對喜愛音樂的普洛斯特而言, 這裡提供無數個讓他和他欽佩的(和不太欽佩的)作曲家們見面的機會. 首先在這份節目中出現的正是普洛斯特的舊情人和終生朋友雷納多.韓(Reynaldo Hahn)的一組源自於巴洛克歌劇簡短的歌唱變奏曲. 接著的是佛瑞的音樂, 曾經讓普洛斯特誇張的在一封信中說:'我可以寫一本有關這些音樂, 長達三百頁的書'. 雖然普洛斯特對聖桑比較不友善開朗, 他仍然仰慕彈奏鋼琴的聖桑. 儘管如此, 放在亨利.杜帕克(Henri Duparc)和奧古斯塔.歐姆絲(Augusta Holmes)之前的是聖桑的第一號大提琴奏鳴曲是這份節目的重點. 這兩位都是法朗克的學生, 在此用他非常出名的A大調小提琴奏鳴曲(改編成大提琴版本)以最恰當的'沙龍'名詞意義結束這份節目. With this programme of music for cello and piano, Steven Isserlis and Connie Shih transport us to the world immortalized in Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu – the Parisian high society and its glittering salons. For the composers of the time these provided a perfect platform for the introduction of new works, performed by the finest musicians in France for a sympathetic, educated and rich (!) audience. And for the music-loving Proust they offered countless opportunities to meet the composers that he so admired (and others that he may have admired a bit less…) The first of these to make his appearance in the programme is no one less than Proust's one-time lover and lifelong friend, Reynaldo Hahn, with a brief set of Variations chantantes on a theme from a baroque opera. He is followed by Gabriel Faure, whose music Proust gushed about in a letter to the composer: 'I could write a book more than 300 pages long about it.' Proust was less expansive about Saint-Saens' music even if he admired him as a pianist, but the composer's First Cello Sonata is nevertheless the centrepiece of the programme, before Henri Duparc and Augusta Holmes make their appearance. These were both students of Cesar Franck, whose iconic Violin Sonata in A major (here in the version for cello) closes this programme of 'salon music' – in the best possible sense of the term. Music from Proust's Salons Reynaldo Hahn (1874—1947) 1 ) Variations chantantes sur un air ancien (1905) 4'54 Gabriel Faure (1845—1924) 2 ) Romance, Op. 69 3'41 3 ) Élegie, Op. 24 6'51 Camille Saint-Saens (1835—1921) 4—6 ) Cello Sonata No. 1 in C minor, Op. 32 19'54 7 ) Allegro quasi presto (original finale of Sonata No. 1) 8'49 Henri Duparc (1848—1933) 8 ) Lamento from Cello Sonata in A minor (c. 1867) Augusta Holmes (1847—1903), arr. Steven Isserlis 9 ) Recitatif et Chant from 'La Vision de la Reine' (1895) 7'21 Cesar Franck (1822—90), arr. Jules Delsart 10—13 ) Sonata in A major (1886) 28'22 TT: 83'17 Steven Isserlis cello · Connie Shih piano

普魯斯特的沙龍音樂 伊瑟利斯 大提琴 Music from Proust s Salons SACD2522 商品選項

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