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白遼士 幻想交響曲 雙頭Pleyel鋼琴 Berlioz Symphonie fantastique HMM902503 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

白遼士 幻想交響曲 雙頭Pleyel鋼琴 Berlioz Symphonie fantastique HMM902503 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 3149020935750 音樂廠牌: harmonia mundi 雙重奇妙的聲音! 幻想交響曲是一件現代交響樂團音樂誕生的指標性作品, 因為白遼士一位重要的朋友 - 李斯特改編成鋼琴獨奏曲, 並且透過鋼琴這種樂器而變得廣為人知. 這片CD是由尚-方斯華.伊謝爾(Jean-Francois Heisser)與瑪莉.約瑟菲.裘德(Marie-Josephe Jude)兩位鋼琴家以雙人四手聯彈方式彈奏, 增加了雙倍的難度但也得到雙倍的樂趣. 他們使用一部收藏在巴黎音樂博物館由法國Pleyel公司製作的雙頭鋼琴, 透過兩邊的鋼琴鍵盤來擴充聲音的調色盤, 並從兩邊共用的共鳴箱得到令人意想不到的音色. 兩人四手加起來二十隻手指彈奏出白遼士令人眼花撩亂,開創性的管弦樂作品中最細微的部份, 讓人佩服這真正是大師級的作品. A double dose of fantastic! A composition that marked the birth of the modern symphony orchestra, it was instead through the medium of the piano that Symphonie fantastique became generally known to the public when Franz Liszt – a prime champion of the music of his friend, Hector Berlioz – made a transcription of the work for solo keyboard. The project undertaken here by Jean-Francois Heisser and Marie-Josephe Jude continues that respected tradition, but it doubles the stakes and multiplies the pleasure: the expanded sound palette offered by the two-keyboard piano constructed by Pleyel and housed at Paris's Museum of Music gives rise to unexpected colours emanating from the shared resonator box, and their fingerings (twenty fingers strong) can reproduce the minutest details of Berlioz's dazzling, ground-breaking orchestral writing. The work of a master indeed! 1. Rêveries - Passions 14'42 2. Un bal 6'09 3. Scene aux champs 14'22 4. Marche au supplice 6'41 5. Songe d'une nuit de sabbat 10'37





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