威廉斯 舒伯特 美麗的磨坊少女 Williams Schubert CHAN20113 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 0095115211328 音樂廠牌: Chandos 羅德利克.威廉斯 男中音 伯恩賽德 鋼琴 Roderick Williams Baritone Iain Burnside Piano In this, the first of a series of three recordings of Schubert’s great song cycles for Chandos, Roderick Williams and Iain Burnside bring their formidable talents to bear on one of the pinnacles of classical lieder. In November 2015, Williams decided to immerse himself in an intensive three-year period of studying and performing the three song cycles by Schubert, following an invitation from the Wigmore Hall to perform them – with Iain – in their 2017 / 18 season. The process has involved not just performances in concert around the globe, but open rehearsals, master-classes, workshops, and radio broadcasts. Roderick Williams has documented all of these experiences in great detail in his fascinating Schubert Cycle Project blog. He writes: ‘Somewhere along the way I came to a decision; that my eventual performances at the Wigmore would not be the ultimate goal of my study; rather, the study itself, the act of preparation would be my focus. It is possible that other singers might find the process interesting, even if only to share some of the grind that is most often done alone; it is also possible that others might be intrigued, especially audiences, perhaps even (fellow) students.’ FRANZ SCHUBERT Die schone Mullerin, Op.25, D 795 64:54 (The Fair Maid of the Mill) A Cycle of Songs by Wilhelm Muller for Solo Voice with Piano Accompaniment 1. I Das Wandern (Wandering). MaBig geschwind 2:32 2. II Wohin? (Where to?). MaBig 2:22 3. II IHalt! (Halt!). Nicht zu geschwind 1:40 4. IV Danksagung an den Bach (Thansgiving to the Brook). Etwas langsam 2:35 5. V Am Feierabend (After Work). Ziemlich geschwind - Etwas geschwinder 2:47 6. VI Der Neugierige (The Inquisitive One). Langsam - Sehr langsam 4:04 7. VII Ungeduld (Impatience). Etwas geschwind 2:36 8. VIII MorgengruB (Morning Greeting). MaBig 4:31 9. IX Des Mullers Blumen (The Miller's Flowers). MaBig 3:31 10. X Tranenregen (Shower of Tears). Ziemlich langsam 3:26 11. XI Mein! (Mine!). MaBig geschwind 2:20 12. XII Pause (Pause). Ziemlich geschwind 4:27 13. XIII Mit dem grunen Lautenbande (To Accompany the Lute's Green Ribbon). MaBig 2:20 14. XIV Der Jager (The Huntsman). Geschwind 1:19 15. XV Eifersucht und Stolz (Jealousy and Pride). Geschwind 1:49 16. XVI Die liebe Farbe (The Beloved Colour). Etwas langsam 4:45 17. XVII Die bose Farbe (The Loathsome Colour). Ziemlich geschwind 2:05 18. XVIII Trochne Blumen (Withered Flowers). Ziemlich langsam 4:04 19. XIX Der Muller und der Bach (The Miller and the Brook). MaBig 3:59 20. XX Des Baches Wiegenlied (The Brook's Lullaby). MaBig 7:42 Total time: 64:54