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華格納 無言的尼布龍根指環 馬捷爾指揮 Wagner Ring Without Words 80154 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

華格納 無言的尼布龍根指環 馬捷爾指揮 Wagner Ring Without Words 80154 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2002 國際條碼: 0089408015427 音樂廠牌: Telarc 這張專輯是Telarc所出版的第-張完整篇幅的歌劇,由於馬捷爾所指揮的無言的(尼貝龍根指環)於全世界皆大受好評,(該唱片於西德古典排行榜高居榜首達9個月之久)且贏得無數的認同和感動(驚異的音響效果加上深邃的表現)如今,再也沒有什曲目比華格納這部繁複豐美的傑作更適合做為Telarc首次歌劇錄音了,由馬捷爾指揮,匹茲堡管樂團伴奏,三位優秀的歌者,Telarc再度將華格納作品生動地捕捉起來。 指揮家馬捷爾將必須以四個晚上才能完整演出的華格納大型連篇樂劇無言的(尼貝龍根指環),摘取精華,保留原曲風貌的前提下,濃縮成-部-氣呵成的交響詩。在長達70分鐘的樂音中,仍能清楚捕捉到華格納於音樂,美學,政治思想上的豐富內涵。馬捷爾曾以相同曲目呈現于國人面前,若至今仍無法忘情馬捷爾優雅的指揮神態,本片將是最佳選擇。 1. Wagner: Das Rheingold: Thus, we begin in the "greenish twilight" of the Rhine 5:24 2. Wagner: Das Rheingold: float up to the home of the Gods, (Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla) 2:05 3. Wagner: Das Rheingold: fall amongst hammering dwarfs "smithying" away 2:23 4. Wagner: Das Rheingold: ride Donner's thunderbolt, crawl with the thirst-crazed Siegmund to the haven 1:40 5. Wagner: Die Walkure: from Act I: In the sound code, we "see" his loving gaze, 3:21 6. Wagner: Die Walkure: from Act I: their flight 7. Wagner: Die Walkure: from Act II: Wotan's rage 2:32 8. Wagner: Die Walkure: from Act III: The Cavalcade of Brunnhilde's sisters (Ride of the Valkyries) 3:10 9. Wagner: Die Walkure: from Act III: Wotan's farewell to his favorite daughter (Wotan's Farewell and M 5:32 10. Wagner: Siegfried: from Act I: Mime's fright 1:22 11. Wagner: Siegfried: from Act I: Siegfried's forging of the magic sword 12. Wagner: Siegfried: from Act I: His wanderings through the forest 2:04 13. Wagner: Siegfried: from Act II, his slaying of the Dragon 1:00 14. Wagner: Siegfried: from Act II: the Dragon's lament 15. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act I: day breaking 'round Siegfried's and Brunnhilde's passion 7:06 16. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act I: Siedfried's Rhine journey, (Dawn and Siegfried's Rhine Journey) 5:06 17. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act II: Hagen's call to his clan 1:45 18. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act II: Siegfried and the Rhinemaidens 4:01 19. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act III: his death and the funeral music, (Siegfried's Death and Funera 9:08 20. Wagner: Gotterdamerung: from Act III: Immolation (Immolation Scene) 9:35




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