普賽爾 歌劇 蒂朵與艾尼亞斯 劇樂 Purcell Dido and Aeneas 80424 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 1996 國際條碼: 0089408042423 音樂廠牌: Telarc 這張CD是波士頓巴洛克合奏團以當代樂器所演奏,而且也是他們為Telarc所錄的第-張歌劇作品。故事敘述艾尼亞斯王子從毀滅的特洛伊城逃走,但是上帝將賜給他-片新的國土。在暴風雨的海上,船隊被迫登陸迦太基,在那兒他和他的人馬受到王后蒂朵的款待,蒂朵對她-見鍾情,艾尼亞斯也回報以愛。然而-群邪惡的女巫師因挾怨想促艾尼亞斯離開迦太基來毀滅蒂朵。在女巫們的計謀下,艾尼亞斯以為是上帝旨意要他前往新國土,遂離開了蒂朵,蒂朵終因悲傷過度而逝。本片另含浦塞爾的劇樂補白。 ido and Aeneas 1. Overture 1:50 2. (Belinda) - Shake the cloud from off your brow / (Chorus) - Banish sorrow 1:05 3. (Dido) - Ah! Belinda, I am prest with torment 3:35 4. (Belinda, Dido) - Grief increases by concealing / (Chorus) - When monarchs 5. (Dido, Belinda) - Whence could so much virtue spring 1:46 6. (Belinda, Second Woman, Chorus) - Fear no danger to ensue 1:31 7. (Belinda, Aeneas, Dido) - See your royal guest appears / (Chorus) - Cupid 1:27 8. (Aeneas, Dido) - If not for mine, for empire's sake 1:12 9. (Chorus) - To the hills and the vales / The Triumphing Dance 2:06 10. Prelude for the Witches / (Sorceress, First witch, Chorus) - Wayward siste 2:37 11. (Two witches, Sorceress, First witch, Chorus) - Ruin'd ere the set of sun? 1:11 12. (Two witches) - But ere we this perform 1:13 13. (Chorus in the manner of an echo) -In our deep vaulted cell / Echo Dance o 2:19 14. Ritornelle / (Belinda, Chorus) - Thanks to these lonesome vales 3:01 15. (Second woman) - Oft she visits this lone mountain 1:34 16. (Aeneas, Dido) - Behold, upon my bending spear / (Belinda, Chorus) Haste, 1:20 17. (Spirit, Aeneas) - Stay, Prince, and hear 2:24 18. Ritornelle 19. Prelude / (Sailor, Chorus) - Come away, fellow sailors / The Sailor's Danc 2:17 20. (Sorceress, Witches) - See the flags and streamers curling 21. (Sorceress) - Our next motion / (Chorus) - Destruction's our delight 1:10 22. The Witches' Dance 1:09 23. (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas) - Your counsel all is urged in vain 3:20 24. (Dido) - But death, alas, I cannot shun / (Chorus) - Great minds against t 1:18 25. (Dido) - Thy hand Belinda / When I am laid in earth 4:09 26. (Chorus) - With drooping wings ye Cupids come 4:27 27. Overture (from Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge) 2:59 28. Rondeau (Abdelazer) 1:21 29. Air (Abdelazer) 1:19 30. Minuet (The Gordian Knot Unty'd) 1:31 31. Air (The Gordian Knot Unty'd) 1:12 32. Curtain Tune on a Ground (Timon of Athens) 1:57 33. Rondeau (The Fairy Queen) 1:27 34. Hornpipe (The Fairy Queen) 35. Overture (The Fairy Queen) 1:26 36. Dance for the Fairies (The Fairy Queen) 1:04 37. Chaconne (The Fairy Queen) 2:36 38. Hornpipe on a Ground (The Married Beau) 1:29