專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408032226 音樂廠牌: Telarc 韓德爾:神劇(彌賽亞》 韓德爾在1741年以三星期完成的偉大神劇(彌賽亞》,分成三個部份:(1)基督來臨的預言,降生及此後的喜樂;(2)基督之苦難與去世,復活及使徒的工作;(3)冥想風格的結尾,部份植根於英國聖公會的葬儀式。著名的(哈利路亞》合唱是第2部份的最後-曲。由於韓德爾演出時,常因地,因人而增刪編譜,故(彌賽亞》沒有決定版,本片主要係根據都柏林版錄製。馬丁.波爾曼,指揮波士頓巴洛克管弦樂團是全美第-個常設古樂團,氣質活潑,音質帶著唯美傾向。四位獨唱者都是美國樂壇當紅新秀,聲音漂亮,整體表情以純粹為尚,十分精緻。錄音無懈可擊,弦樂洋溢絲絹光澤,人聲香醇,合唱層次分明,廳堂規模觸手可及。 DISC ONE Handel: Messiah 1. Sinfonia 2:54 2. Comfort ye, my people - Tenor Recitative 2:48 3. Every valley shall be exhalted - Tenor Air 3:10 4. And the glory of the Lord - Chorus 2:39 5. Thus saith the Lord - Bass Recitative 1:24 6. But who may abide - Alto Air 3:58 7. George Frideric No. 7. "And He shall purify" from Part One 2:09 8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive - Alto Recitative 9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion - Alto Air & Chorus 5:20 10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth - Bass Recitative 1:50 11. The people that walked in darkness - Bass Air 4:05 12. For unto us a Child is born - Chorus 3:35 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 2:56 14. There were shepherds - Soprano Recitative / And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon 15. And the angel said unto them - Soprano Recitative 16. And suddenly there was with the angel - Soprano Recitative 17. Glory to God - Chorus 1:44 18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion - Soprano Air 4:16 19. Then shall the eyes of the blind - Alto Recitative 20. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd - Alto & Soprano Air 4:39 21. His yoke is easy - Chorus 2:20 22. Behold the lamb of God - Chorus 2:27 23. He was despised - Alto Air 8:25 DISC TWO 1. Surely he hath borne our griefs - Chorus 1:48 2. And with His stripes we are healed - Chorus 1:44 3. All we like sheep - Chorus 3:24 4. All they that see him - Tenor Recitative 5. He trusted in God - Chorus 2:16 6. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart - Tenor Recitative 1:31 7. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow - Tenor Arioso 1:13 8. He was cut off out of the land of the living - Tenor Recitative 9. But thou didst not leave his soul in Hell - Tenor Air 2:41 10. Lift up your heads - Chorus 2:57 11. Unto which of the angels - Tenor Recitative 12. Let all the angels of God worship Him - Chorus 1:24 13. Thou art gone up on high - Alto Air 2:53 14. The Lord gave the word - Chorus 1:12 15. How beautiful are the feet - Soprano Air 2:04 16. Their sound is gone out - Chorus 1:21 17. Why do the nations? - Bass Air 2:41 18. Let us break their bonds asunder - Chorus 1:41 19. He that dwelleth in heaven - Tenor Recitative 20. Thou shall break them - Tenor Air 2:05 21. Hallelujah - Chorus 3:40 22. I know that my Redeemer liveth - Soprano Air 5:03 23. Since by man came death - Chorus 2:04 24. Behold, I tell you a mystery - Bass Recitative 25. The trumpet shall sound - Bass Air 8:41 26. Then shall be brought to pass - Alto Recitative 27. O death, where is thy sting? - Alto & Tenor Duet 1:09 28. But thanks be to God - Chorus 2:08 29. If God be for us - Soprano Air 4:01 30. Worthy is the lamb . . . Amen - Chorus 7:11