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在月光下跳舞 Dance on a moonbeam 80554 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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在月光下跳舞 Dance on a moonbeam 80554 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

在月光下跳舞 Dance on a moonbeam 80554 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2000 國際條碼: 0089408055423 音樂廠牌: Telarc 偉大的斑鳩琴演奏家比爾.寇福特,在1998年夏天開始構思錄製-張獻給兒童的音樂專輯,不幸地,他才發現自己已罹患癌症,僅剩下幾個月的存活時間,於是比爾的好友們,包括女高音唐.阿普蕭,次女高音費德莉卡.馮.史塔德,爵士樂鋼琴家克利斯.布魯貝克…等音樂家,在他過世前幾天,齊聚比爾臥病床畔完成了這張專輯,電影巨星梅麗.史翠普也前來錄製朗誦莎士比亞的(羅密歐與茱麗葉》,(仲夏夜之夢》等名劇詩句,並為專輯內文寫下評註,比爾的女兒愛麗卡亦為專輯畫下插畫,而Telarc同樣將本張專輯收入捐給兒童慈善團體。在比爾與眾好友的彈唱歌詠之間,這不僅只是給孩童聆聽的音樂,更是音樂家們獻給世人的溫馨祝福與永恆摯愛。 1. While You Sleep / "How sweet the moonlight..." (The Merchant of Venice) 3:41 2. Dandling Songs 3:07 3. "I'll follow you..." (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 1:38 4. The Chipmunk's Day 2:11 5. Mr. Bear 3:28 6. The Fox 1:50 7. "The ouzel cock..." (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 8. The Cuckoo / Leatherwing Bat 3:50 9. Little Trotty Wagtail 1:41 10. The Friendly Cow 2:22 11. "Through the house give glimmering light..." (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 12. The Table and the Chair 2:00 13. "So long as..." (Sonnet XVIII) 14. Simple Gifts 1:48 15. Sweet Nightingale 3:35 16. White Fields 2:17 17. "He that has..." (King Lear) 18. In Just 3:05 19. "When you speak, sweet..." (The Winter's Tale) 20. Dance to your Daddy 3:40 21. Can Ye Sew Cushions / The Christ Child's Lullaby 3:38 22. J.S. Bach: Bourree "She bids you on the wanton rushes..." (Henry IV) 2:12 23. Child's Song / The Early Morning 2:40 24. All through the Night / "Sleep thou..." (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 2:27 25. Humperdinck: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep from Hansel and Gretel 3:56 26. "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes..." (Romeo and Juliet) / "We are such stuff.." (The Tempest) / While Yo 2:31

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